I have a theory that there is a impossible trinity (like in economics), where a food cannot be delicious, cheap and healthy at the same time. At maximum 2 of the 3 can be achieved.

Is there any food that breaks this theory?

Edit: I was thinking more about dishes (or something you put in your mouth) than the raw substances

Some popular suggestions include

  • fruits (in season) and vegetables
  • lentils, beans, rice
  • mushrooms
  • chicken
  • just eat in moderation

Edit 2: Thanks for the various answers. Now there are a lot of (mostly bean-based) recipes for everyone to try out!

Also someone made a community for cheap healthy food after seeing this topic!

  • @EfreetSK@lemmy.world
    31 year ago

    Kebab plate with vegetables.

    A coleague of mine was eating it when he was on a diet to lose weight. It’s basically kebab/gyros meat and a vegetable salad with a dresing (usually tzaziki). You have basically no sugar in it, it’s just protein and vitamins.

    Back in the day it cost like 4-5 € where I live which was pretty cheap for a lunch. Now it’d more like 6-7 € but that’s still decent

      • @EfreetSK@lemmy.world
        01 year ago

        Umm what’s unhealthy in it? :)

        I guess it depends how we define what’s a healthy meal but in my book few rules to eat healthy are:

        • lower your sugar, flour, potatoes income to minimum
        • lower your fat income and choose right fats
        • eat more fruits and vegetables
        • maintain right ballance of carbs, fats and proteins

        A “kebab salad” sounds quite healthy in that take. Despite sounding strange that a common street food could be healthy

        • @ComeScoglio@lemmy.world
          11 year ago

          It’s a lot of salt, processed meat, and the salad bar at a normal kebab shop is not filled with nutrient dense vegetables. If it’s me, I’d eat it as a takeaway and spread the meat over three days’ worth of meals and up the nutrient content with broccoli and nuts.