They also use prison slave labor,
I’ve been seeing it pop up more in embedded/PC based devices. Seems to be replacing Windows XP and the other embedded Windows versions. Guess Microsoft wants too much for those licenses.
kwik trip’s self-serve ‘fresh blends’ smoothie machines use it. see one crashed every now and then here.
I used to run 8.1 embedded as my desktop and honestly if my exoerience with it was anything to go by windows embedded has been only requiring more resources while losing features that make having a separate embedded edition make sense.
Beats the hell out of paying Microsoft so you can keep running your business.
TIL one Wendy’s uses Ubuntu
So does Panda E
smart. 1000% less problems than windows and 5000% more secure
-900% problems… Not sure you thought that through.
I got -900% problems but a snap ain’t one
I don’t know man
u got anofg erhghs
Linux is so robust it can absorb ≤ 9 problems created elsewhere.
Thanks for sharing, always nice to see!
But nowadays I’d be surprised if one of these display devices ran Windows or some similar crap that is NOT Linux.
Ubuntu/Canonical did, imho, the right thing to offer paid support for what is otherwise a free OS. That’s what companies care for, that cannot afford a full IT employee or even department. Of course Redhat et. al. also offer that but Ubuntu seems more suitable for smaller solutions?
That’s what companies care for, that cannot afford a full IT employee or even department.
I doubt those companies can afford paid support from the likes of Cannonical and Red Hat - their licenses are solely for other at-scale companies to write off expenses and shift blame if something hits the fan.
Gross. Dont buy from evil corporations
Yikes, thanks. Now I’ve got the beef… With Wendy’s
It’s a socialism for me not thee business model.
I had a frosty once
Wow! I can’t believe a company would use an OS.
Ubuntu for a kiosk is really dumb though. I guess it’s still better than windows.
i mean linux is linux if its only booting up to display video or a simple interaction panel