Some out-of-context spoilers in this trailer, be aware if you’re sensitive to spoilers.
I hope the show can get me to feel as hyped as I did when I last saw it. Been so many years since the first season first aired, and not as into the superhero stuff as I was back then. One of the pitfalls of the longer hiatuses.
I watched the Atom Eve origin story mini series they pit out earlier this year (?), I really enjoyed it and thought the quality was up there with Invincible so I’m pretty excited about season 2.
Oh cool, had no idea they made something like that, gotta watch it
That’s fantastic. I have no idea how I completely missed that this was out. Will be a great way to get back into the series.
Series? It was one single episode, no?
Could be!
Were they hoping we’d forget about the shapeshifting guy before the end of the trailer?
TBH, I did 😔
Some out-of-context spoilers in this trailer, be aware if you’re sensitive to spoilers.
Thanks for that
Loved the comic, and loved S1! Can’t wait for S2