I always thought that tides were a really underutilized source of energy.
I mean, look at the Bay of Fundy. The equivalent of all the water in all the rivers in the entire world cycles in and out every single day. Thats a lot of movement and a ton of potential energy there.
The sea is very corrosive which destroys moving parts :(
Not many people live there, but W. Australias’ Kimberley Coast has a section where the tide rises 36 feet.
Waves big enough to surf arrive.
The best thing is these provide continuous power except when the tide is “turning”… however that 20 minute or so period will be at a different time of day for each installation. Two of these, just 40 miles apart, might have their tidal turn offset by 3 hours with the right coastline… and you’d pick locations based on that.
Here is a video of the technology from Minesto the company that produced the system.