It really were simpler times… At least memewise.
Rage comic is best comic.
But on the other note, if J.K. Rand and her book ‘Wizard Shrugged’ taught me anything, there should be a competitive market among house elves to lick one’s asshole clean. My little guy called Wippey does that. Sometimes he mumbles something about creating a union but I get too high from this anal stimulation I cum in his shit-filled mouth and close his nose with my fingers until he swallows it. He likes that. At least, I haven’t heard him wanting to lose this job. Trully, the best time for a worker to live in.
I miss the cereal guy. And 2010. And being able to eat cereal full of gluten :(
We need the rage comics with all the panels and the wineglass guy.
here some comment.