Apparently totally useless when you don’t enable history or don’t use the services (Google, Facebook, etc.) at all.
Fans of timelineize might also like . (I didn’t, but YMMV)
It is dockerized but that doesn’t really matter since the DB which is probably one of the most private things on your server is also stored in the container. So a hacker who got into the container can steal your timelinize DB
Your best bet is running this LAN-only but that kind of destroys the whole point of it. This thing should never be connected to the internet
From looking at the github, I think you don’t need to/want to host this publicly. It doesn’t automatically get and store your information. It’s more a tool for visualizing and cross referencing your takeout/exported data from a variety of tech platforms. It’s just developed as a web app for ease of UI/cross platform/ locally hostable.