Honestly, I find these emails more amusing than infuriating. Is that $800 per week? Total? I guess I’ll never know, because I didn’t become a software developer just to work in a warehouse.
Famous last words of a software engineer who ends up working in a warehouse.
I’d do it for $800/h
I’ll do it for 800 a day…
Nah, it’s just a one-time wage, then you’re a slave
Just a slavery signing bonus
I’d sooner go full-time on my game dev hobby and hope for the best.
Chase your dreams. The warehouse will always be there.
Famous last words from someone before the warehouse isn’t there
The first Starlink-Amazon war destroyed many Amazon warehouses
You could probably make $800 doing game dev too. Maybe not with only one game, but $800 with game dev hobby sounds better to me than $800 to be a warehouse associate for an unknown amount of time…
The $800 is to be a game dev for their new release: warehouse associate.
So you think you’re too good to eat shit? Wait until you have to like I do.
Bro, maybe I don’t think you should have to eat shit either.
It was a topical joke revolving around the numerous rounds of tech layoffs since 2023, as well as the current state of industry hiring, which is pretty depressing and toxic if you’re a software engineer currently looking for work.
Statistically you’re far more likely to get laid off then he is.
I’m a software engineer who was recently laid off.
Oh I see. Well your anecdote completely debunks statistics that show people without degrees get laid off nearly three times as often as those that do. I kneel.
Not this year lol, tech has been hit hard.
Which, I mean, no one has any sympathy, those guys have been coddled and overpaid for a decade.
But yeah, this year, lots of tech layoffs.
My favorite version of this was an ad for applebees that said “you belong here!”. Like, I know that they meant it to be welcoming, but it came across as vaguely threatening …
I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn’t it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.
-Marcus Cole, (Babylon 5, a late delivery from Avalon)
One of my favourite quotes from the show.
Glad I’m not the only one that remembers it.It’s easily one of my favorite TV shows of all time.
Though the line that’s been rolling through my head since Gaza started is Delenn getting pissed at Lando and G’kar, shouting “When does it end?!” That rant is…. Piercing.
Yeah, I thinnk it’s time for antoher rewatch… again.
The show had so many good and memorable things. It’s kinda sad though that so many things from this show are still relevannt today.
anatomically impossible, Mr. Garibaldi. but you’re welcome to try… anytime."
(good god did Walter Koenig play that role. it’s incredibly different from Chekov, and he was amazing at both. and wow are the one liner’s in bab5 just… memorable.)
If you’re looking for things that still have an enduring relevance today… check out the OG the Day the Earth Stood Still not the remake with keanu reeves. that one deserves the George Lucas Holiday Special™️treatment. It’s classic 1950’s scifi at it’s peak. (yes, that’s easily my favorite movie. hands down.)
Oh yeah, that’s a movie that’s been on my “to watch list” for a long time. Same as the Kurosawa Samurai movies. I really should get around to watch them finally. 😞
Man with how much of my life was front loaded with suffering I wish I could just use it as a “get out of current issue free” card.
I find it very unfair actually how few people actually have to face consequences for their actions in meaningful ways. I don’t want them repeating them.
Wow, they’ll pay you $800/time?
nah just $800. once.
So, once times?
Sounds like that’ll buy you one logistic
it was $800/hr and you missed it, schmuck!
no honestly I can’t comprehend why people don’t include the important parts in the actual listing, it’s exhausting and pedantic.
And downright shallow as well!
I’ve got these emails before, almost exactly like this. I have a PhD, but sure, I guess I’m qualified for this too.
He started off planning to recruit you for a $225k a year job working on logistics software, then he checked your GitHub and the offer is what it is.
Honestly looks like a scam email because it’s as little detail as possible. Did you check the email? Bet it’s going to be a bunch of numbers “@gmail”
Absolutely a scam. There’s about 10 common ways to bleed money out of somebody at that point. Maybe You’re paying for a background check or certification. Maybe they send you a check that’s too big, and you need to send them back some cash, only to find out that the check itself got reversed in your account after you mail off the money.
“I see that you have programming and game development skills and I think that makes you perfect for picking and shipping in a warehouse.”
Fuck you if you’re a bit and triple fuck you if you’re a human.
Game development means video games, video games means crates, and crates means warehouses. So simple that even an AI can understand.
Wait, would I have to actually do anything?
Pick things up and put them down, is my guess.
I mean if you think about it, programming is just picking up and putting down letters in a file.
There’s a reason my mouse has buttons dedicated to copy and paste.
You use a mouse? What a noob. Use vim and be enlightened
What an insult. People who study software and game development should be getting jobs in insurance sales, the way they always have.
Matches programming and game dev experience lmao we’re livin’ almost the same life on that aspect dude lol
Be mindful it also could be malicious
I like to reply to these with tons of questions, no stone unturned. If they give a reasonable answer is likely legit. I get a bunch of these because of a resume that had all my warehouse experience on it, big mistake since I don’t know who has it.