Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Kyiv would like to end the war with Russia next year through “diplomatic means” as both countries prepare for President-elect Donald Trump’s return to the White House.
In an interview with the Ukrainian media outlet Suspilne, Zelenskyy said he is certain that the war will end “sooner” than it otherwise would have once Mr. Trump becomes president.
The prospect of Trump returning to power in the United States next year has raised questions about the future of the conflict, as the Republican has been critical of U.S. military aid to Kyiv.
Zelenskyy said that Ukraine “must do everything so that this war ends next year, ends through diplomatic means.”
The idea that it is possible to “diplomacy” your way out of conflict with a dictator is so absurd I want to laugh my ass off, but unfortunately it isn’t funny at all.
Putin will happily send every last Russian in to the meat grinder before he accept defeat, and now that he has his American buddy back in place, now with added musk funds, it is seriously delusional to think the situation is going to do anything other than escalate.
Zelenskyy is being beyond naive at best (I honestly don’t believe he believes in what he’s saying).
He’s responding to his talks with Trump. He knows US support is going to fade fast under the new guy. He’s trying to save his country.
Then dust off those nuke plans…
How to say you’re historically illiterate without saying you’re historically illiterate. 👆
Wtf is with you people claiming you know what’s best for these countries? Its like you’re larping as the us state dept.
I’m not sure who “you people” are, but at no point did I claim to know what’s best, but I sure as fuck know, from knowing history and paying attention, that tyranny doesn’t go away by asking nicely. Never has, never will.
So a better question would be wtf is with you claiming you know anything at all about global conflict or fascism? Its like you’re
larping asa wilfully ignorant and overly confident centrist who is happy to lay others lives on the line and let war rage on as long as we aren’t mean to a dictator. 🙄Yes we know Zelensky is an unelected dictator. You don’t need to project.
Lmfao, where did I even imply that? Talk about projecting… 😂😂😂
So I don’t know how the Russian/Ukrainian war is going to go. I mean Trump is such a wild card it’s hard to say. But I want to point out that your comment:
that tyranny doesn’t go away by asking nicely. Never has, never will.
Is very wrong. The weirdest thing is you state if you’re paying attention. Well, if you’re paying any attention what so ever, you’ll see that tyranny regularly gets displaced by asking nicely. In fact, in recent history we have South Korea with a peaceful democratic transfer, Taiwan which also had a peaceful democratic transfer, Singapore and many others. And that’s just recent history. Let alone all the Kingdoms that were displaced by democracy in history such as the UK. Heck, the UK still has a monarch and yet run in a democracy because of how peaceful the transfer was. Thailand as well. I could go on, but I think you get the point. In fact one of the MOST COMMON ways to go from Monarchy/Dictatorship to democracy is a peaceful transfer. Obviously that doesn’t always happen, but it’s quite common to simply ask nicely.
*Edit: Actually Ukraine ITSELF was a peaceful transfer from tyranny to democracy. That’s the REASON Putin is angry and jealous of them. I mean you don’t even have to look outside of the combatants to see a peaceful transfer. Which is gone now, but that doesn’t take away that it happened.
All I can say to this bizarre reply is that the whitewashed version of history (never mind current events, since some of those conflicts are still ongoing, violently, today) you were taught at school, or hear about in the msm isn’t the reality, and that none of those conflicts were fucking peaceful, or came to a conclusion because those in power just decided to give it up.
Pick up a fucking book (or watch a video, or listen to a podcast, however you take information in, go and do that, but only if you can cope with challenging your bias, otherwise it becomes a completely pointless exercise)
E: Like, honestly, do you seriously believe there is any point in talking to Putin? Do you think an open and proud totalitarian known for throwing his opponents out of windows is a trustworthy person who will have good faith and stay true to his word? Do you fucking hear yourself???
When you don’t know any history perhaps you should read first then comment.
As I said, S.Korea is just one example where peaceful protests brought democracy.
conflict with a dictator
Only one of these leaders is unelected, and it’s not the one you think.
Putin will happily send every last Russian in to the meat grinder before he accept defeat
I doubt that, but its moot since Russia would inevitably win this war of attrition without having to do it. Also, the whole Russian meat grinder/meat wave thing is just recycled WWII Nazi war propaganda BS.
now that he has his American buddy back in place
CIA “Cooked The Intelligence” To Hide That Russia Favored Clinton, Not Trump In 2016
now with added musk funds
Right, Enron Musk is personally keeping the Russian economy afloat with his own money 😂 This one really takes the cake.
What’s it like in that Tank? Is the bread and vodka good? How’s the heating?
Doubling down on Russiagate conspiracy theories isn’t the own you think it is.
- Wall Street Journal: Mueller Doesn’t Find Trump Campaign Conspired With Russia
- Jacobin: Democrats and Mainstream Media Were the Real Kremlin Assets
- Washington Post: FEC fines DNC, Clinton for violating rules in funding Steele dossier
- Washington Post: Russian trolls on Twitter had little influence on 2016 voters
- Jacobin: It Turns Out Hillary Clinton, Not Russian Bots, Lost the 2016 Election
- Matt Taibbi: Move Over, Jayson Blair: Meet Hamilton 68, the New King of Media Fraud The Twitter Files reveal that one of the most common news sources of the Trump era was a scam, making ordinary American political conversations look like Russian spywork
- Jacobin: Why the Twitter Files Are in Fact a Big Deal On the Left, there’s been a temptation to dismiss the revelations about Twitter’s internal censorship system that have emerged from the so-called Twitter Files project. But that would be a mistake: the news is important and the details are alarming.
- MSNBC Repeats Hamilton 68 Lies 279 Times in 11 Minutes
- Jeff Gerth at Columbia Journalism Review on Russiagate: Editor’s Note | Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four
- Chris Hedges: Why Russiagate Won’t Go Away
Oh you misconstrued my comment.
I’m calling you a Tankie, not that you’re a Russian Troll. Merely a useful idiot.
You are the populist engine of change my Friend
So it looks like it’s finally happening?
The best time to take ceasefire was before.
The second best time is now
What he likely means “ending the war by diplomatic means” is not talking or negotiating with Russia. No, that would be worst heresy imaginable. When he has previously talked about the use of diplomacy to find peace, what he really means is for Ukraine redouble it’s efforts to beg for more money and weapons, but also get US and Europe to put more pressure on countries like China and India to ditch Putin and support Ukraine instead. Zelensky has talked along these lines before. Make his position seem reasonable to those who who want Ukraine to seek settlement, when it really isn’t any different from “Zelensky’s peace plan” that can be summed up in demand Russia’s unconditional surrender as a precondition to any kind of dialogue.
I fear it’s this kinda crazy talk that we are looking at. Zelensky or his inner circle just bring themselves to talk to the Russians, nor can they talk about things like giving up even places like Crimea. They just can’t give an inch and we all know what happens to the reeds that don’t bend with wind.
Zelenskyy literally cannot advocate for negotiated peace. The Right wing nationalist elements of Ukraine’s coalition will effectively murder him if that becomes his position. It remains to be seen what will happen to him when he’s forced into it by the reality of the war and the waning of international support by his patron states.
He’s likely just going to flee to US or UK in the end.
He has a mega mansion in Egypt in his mom’s name thanks to this war.
Juan Guaido excited to get a roomie in Florida
He could’ve fled long ago if he wanted instead of facing the risk and staying. I respect him for that.
You are saying this as if he is Yahya Sinwar fighting on the front line and dying a warrior’s death.
He has to stay till the last moment if he wants to keep political power. He’s not in any personal danger.
Ukraine suspended all national/local elections, because he can’t possibly win anything again. Fleeing while claiming to be a hero is certain.
He doesn’t care about what anybody in Ukraine things, the key part is to make sure he can be the next Guaido for the US. If he flees too soon then there’s going to be a new government formed without him and he becomes irrelevant. So, he’s going to wait till there’s a full on collapse to flee and claim to be government in exile.
The Guaido option will be pursued if there is not an anti-Russia government in Kyev, but it would fail as did the Guaido maneuver. Zelensky’s global real estate holding alone, as a result of this war are disqualifying as a legitimate Ukrainian leader in exile. His $20m Miami mansion would look especially bad to make press conferences from. It is more likely that the CIA-NGO long game restarts after a Russia friendly government. A provision in the peace deal that was agreed to a month after the war start was that regions would be allowed after X years to hold referendums in order to join a side. This is key to not making Ukraine a nazi state determined to extract western weapons funding for its naziism, because no one votes for that shit.
Is this Democracy?
Democracy in Ukraine ended at the apartheid ethnostate rules against Russian speakers. After the war, all pro-peace reasonable parties were banned, for being pro Russian. All local and federal elections were suspended after Zelensky’s term was legally over. Free elections have occurred in Russian liberated regions of Ukraine.
As in Israel, it is inapropriate to categorize apartheid ethnostates as democracies.
They absolutely can. Easily. They made a peace deal shortly after war started, but Zelensky accepted weapons bribe promises to keep going instead. As they are nearing the last Ukrainian, and the bribes will dry up, something close to original deal will happen instead. Zelensky is dead either way, but peace lets him flee somewhere, and claim to have done the right thing.
Zelensky is dead either way, but peace lets him flee somewhere, and claim to have done the right thing.
Zelensky’s dilemma is that his real powerbase are the militant ultranationalists who surround him, who make up a double edged sword for him. Even if the Ukrainian people would have wanted peace yesterday they are not armed or organized. Zelensky still needs the nationalists around him to stand between him and possible popular uprising and the more moderate wing of the army doing a coup. If Zelensky goes for peace he fears that the nationalists around him will see that as an betrayal of Ukraine, them and those who have sacrificed their lives for their project and will turn on him and arrange an “Russian missile strike” in his office that will kill him and end any negotiations. You must understand that despite being called nationalists, the banderites love their imaginary version of Ukraine more than the actual nation. Ukraine bending the knee to Russia would save the real Ukraine, but it would destroy their ideal version of it and doom and taint their idea of Ukrainian nationalism forever.
You are correct in assessment of Ukraine power dynamics. But there may be a realism hit taking place if US won’t fund the war. The banderites/Zelensky may wish to become South Korea. The “Musk ceasefire with EU peacekeepers” is South Korea with continued skirmishes, and not something Russia will fall for. “Listening to Russia’s concerns” is a peace plan. Given Ukraine’s path, mentioning peace may be Zelensky’s way to threaten a better offer from West.
The best reason to end any war is to ask how everyone can just stop killing one another.
This is modern day civilization, not the barbarian hordes of Europe 1500 years ago.
We have a choice to act civilized or like our ignorant ancestors from thousands of years ago.
ask yourself in whose interest is it to continue this insane war.
(Military corporations in the US and Russia)
And let’s not forget Russia’s support from that batch. This war is just another money scheme
True. DC is not an irradiated pile of ruble because of the theater of permawar that Russia eventually wins is the script. US loses all wars because victory ends a war, and brings oil prices back down.
Thousand years from now, the same statement will be made of us. We humans change little.
The US won’t allow it, the same way they didn’t allow it the previous times.
The US is clearly starting to distance itself from project Ukraine now. That said, I don’t expect that the US will alter its stance to simply admit that Russia has won. The most probable scenario is that Russia and the US will secretly negotiate a behind-the-scenes agreement, and the US will just cut aid to Ukraine while continuing to publicly engage in verbal posturing. The US admin will say that it has more pressing concerns with China and the Middle East, and it’s now time for Europe to step up and assume a larger role. However, everyone knows that Europe is not any position to do so. Therefore, the conflict will likely end on Russian terms without the US openly admitting defeat. As an added bonus, the US will secure lucrative military contracts with European nations for decades to come.
Finally found a intellectual in these comments 👏
They would be forced to increase the bribery for Ukrainian suicide. The project was always a weapons and oil slush fund, and those constituents can be kept happy with a war on Iran.
None of my web browsers knows what to do with nor does VLC.
converts it to a mp4 successfully for
Unbelievably common YT-DLP W. YT-DWP if you will.
Huh, thanks! Based on its name I assumed it was exclusively for YouTube.
$ yt-dlp [generic] Extracting URL: [generic] master: Downloading webpage [generic] master: Downloading m3u8 information [generic] master: Checking m3u8 live status [info] master: Downloading 1 format(s): 2879+audio_aac-English [hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest [hlsnative] Total fragments: 45 [download] Destination: master [master].f2879.mp4 [download] 100% of 87.22MiB in 00:00:18 at 4.66MiB/s [hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest [hlsnative] Total fragments: 45 [download] Destination: master [master].faudio_aac-English.mp4 [download] 100% of 4.04MiB in 00:00:01 at 2.14MiB/s [Merger] Merging formats into "master [master].mp4" Deleting original file master [master].faudio_aac-English.mp4 (pass -k to keep) Deleting original file master [master].f2879.mp4 (pass -k to keep) $ vlc 'master [master].mp4'
It’s kinda wild.
It also works in places I wouldn’t have expected it, like Twitch livestreams
$ curl -sL | grep -i porn | wc -l 27 $
My buddy says he’s going to stop drinking next year. 🤠
I wonder how Zionist Biden would feel -if it all- once Russia annexes parts of Ukraine. Probably how he felt about Israel annexing Palestinian and Syrian lands. His underling Blinken even defended Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights.
No chance of help to protect his homeland from belligerent invasion? You’ve got to cut the losses.
Then Russia can invade in another 10 years and take more. Yay! It can be an every-decade thing!
Russia is not just this blob of ooze that wants to consume more land. It took them a decade to come to the aid of the regions that the Bandera worshipping post-Maidan government turned on, and much of the Ukrainian army defected to.
Very hopeful,
“We have to understand what the Russians want,” Zelenskyy said.
That would mean peace instead of Ukraine becoming a new South Korea. Ukraine led peace negotiations can bring China in to outbid blackrock for the ruins in the country, and perhaps Chinese peacekeepers instead of nazi EU supporters. The Musk plan that was floated is a non-starter with Russia. EU trade deal finally happening is something Zelensky can try for, but Ukraine’s purpose was always suicide to the last Ukrainian, and everything dangled as a carrot disappears when they let go of that course.
EU/US have to step up financial reconstruction offers instead of weaponized nazification to be relevant in the peace.
EU/US have to step up financial reconstruction offers
The offers are likely to be predatory IMF/World Bank loans leading to even more neoliberal/neocolonial privatization & austerity.
The US hasn’t given Ukraine a blessed thing: they’ve all been lend-leases that will take the Ukrainian people generations to pay off.
Yes. While the original permawar/10+ year plan was to the very last Ukrainian, there is still a substantial discount available to Blackrock or US-controlled IMF paying blackrock to take over Ukraine. Unlike the ww2 and post ww2 lend-lease agreements that were government controlled, and had the unfortunate side effect of providing US treasury revenue, Blackrock can directly compensate rulers kind enough to grant it riches.
Russia, as in 2014 Yanukovych times, becomes a reconstruction alternative, with new entrant China able to make offers. Blackrock taking everything for free is harder when a peace deal is made where there is a sliver of Ukrainians left.
That would be nice, I think you’re right. I don’t think they are serious though, sadly.
TIL that bickering over and then eventually sending your left over equipment and other miscellaneous trash to a country under a genocidal invasion is “weaponized nazification”.
Most of what the EU sends is financial reconstruction aid. People here are too pussy to send any real help. You’re making the EU sound a lot more competent by paining us as some shadow entity manipulation Ukraine.
a country under a genocidal invasion
These claims of genocide by Russia are projection by Western propaganda.
- BBC, 2014: Ukraine underplays role of far right in conflict
- Human Rights Watch, 2014: Ukraine: Unguided Rockets Killing Civilians
- Consortium News, 2015: The Mess That Nuland Made Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland engineered Ukraine’s regime change without weighing the likely consequences.
- The Hill, 2017: The reality of neo-Nazis in Ukraine is far from Kremlin propaganda
- The Guardian, 2017: ‘I want to bring up a warrior’: Ukraine’s far-right children’s camp – video
- WaPo, 2018: The war in Ukraine is more devastating than you know
- Reuters, 2018: Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problem
- The Nation, 2019: Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine
- openDemocracy, 2019: Why Ukraine’s new language law will have long-term consequences
- Al Jazeera, 2022: Why did Ukraine suspend 11 ‘pro-Russia’ parties?
- NYT, 2024: U.N. Court to Rule on Whether Ukraine Committed Genocide
Not sure what a random definition without explanation, follow be so called “western propaganda”, say about genocide in Russia. All you’ve proven is that the west claims there is genocide. That barely tells us anything at all about Russia!
Let me complete your case and actually include something from the Kremlin as opposed to only “western propaganda”. Here Putin explains why he started this war. He turns the interview into a 2 hour lecture about why Ukrainians don’t and never existed and therefor can’t have the free will to want to be independent and must be reminded of how they’re all actually Russian. Now if that’s not a textbook definition of genocide, I don’t know what is.