Holy moly, the comments on the article are full of reactionaries shitting on Linux for having a CoC and enforcing it. Did not expect so much hate for such mundane things
One thing to learn on the internet is to never ever go into the comments section of phoronix. It’s the worst cesspool I’ve ever seen anywhere on the internet. 4chan is more civilized.
One thing to learn on the internet is to never ever go into the comments section
meanwhile where are we rn lol
It is the Phoronix forums
Is reactionaries the next word to get enlibbified now?
full of reactionaries shitting on Linux for having a CoC and enforcing it.
Because they don’t enforce it for Linus. Yea he “took a break” and went to therapy etc. (before the CoC was introduced IIRC), but he still routinely abuses people publicly with no remorse or empathy, and continues to do it for decades now. As another commenter said of the CoC and Linus’s continued current behavior today, “Of the 10 bullet points there he violates 6 of them.”
And I don’t agree with the people who claim “he has to be that way because blah blah and Linux wouldn’t be what it is today etc.”, I still think it’s entirely possible to be a whole lot nicer while also being firm when necessary and still achieve the same end result.
Of course people are upset over double standards.
For anyone else wondering, here’s the text of the actual email cited as the CoC violation:
Michal, if you think crashing processes is an acceptable alternative to error handling you have no business writing kernel code.
You have been stridently arguing for one bad idea after another, and it’s an insult to those of us who do give a shit about writing reliable software.
You’re arguing against basic precepts of kernel programming.
Get your head examined. And get the fuck out of here with this shit.
He tried to play Linus it seems
Linus has gotten a lot better. I’m pretty sure he is the one who wanted the CoC so that people like himself wouldn’t ruin Linux.
He tried to play Linus it seems
Timeout! Timeout!
Blocking work instead of comms.
And being open about it.
How obnoxious!Lol surely Linux can’t have a CoC or Linus would be out in seconds? I wonder if he gets an explicit exemption.