Take solace in the fact that all the people that bought thousands of rolls with the intent to scalp them basically lost all that money after inventory caught up a month later.
The UNs mission is mostly to exist as a forum for the leaders of a nation to discuss issues in a known-safe environment. It’s not meant for oversight, nor is it meant to police anything, even if it is sold that way sometimes.
That is still an option, but there is a tradeoff. There is a button in the software to enable on-board memory mode.
You lose all your key assignment controls and fine-tuned DPI settings, but it stores on the device. If you want to have those features available, the mouse needs some software on the PC to talk to for more fine-grained control.
Me either. I have a G502 and I have the G Hub app to control the features(DPI, button assignments, RGB), but I’ve never needed an account to use it.
I am not a material scientist, but I would wonder if molten metals would radiate too much heat to the environment causing an efficiency loss
Just get better at hunting. You go out for hours at a time and never come back successful.
It’s a good thing that the pantry always has food, otherwise we’d be in trouble.
It’s a sign that you’re winning a war when you need to jail your own researchers and scientists, right?
I’m not sure I necessarily agree. Your assessment is correct, but I don’t really think this situation is security by obscurity. Like most things in computer security, you have to weight the pros and cons to each approach.
Yubico used components that all passed Common Criteria certification and built their product in a read-only configuration to prevent any potential shenanigans with vulnerable firmware updates. This approach almost entirely protects them from supply-chain attacks like what happened with ZX a few months back.
To exploit this vulnerability you need physical access to the device, a ton of expensive equipment, and an incredibly deep knowledge in digital cryptography. This is effectively a non-issue for your average Yubikey user. The people this does affect will be retiring and replacing their Yubikeys with the newest models ASAP.
Absolutely. If you are the CISO in a place where security is a top priority with adversaries that may have access to the equipment and knowledge to exploit this, you will absolutely want to retire the keys ASAP and replace them with the new model that is not vulnerable to this.
I like #B00B69. Not only for the name, but also because it’s a really nice magenta color
The funds come from the state’s tax-funded Economic Equity Investment Program, a program that aims to build economic equity for disadvantaged people, which allocated a $692,775 grant to Hacienda.
So, like, the cost of a single house in Portland?
There are bigger issues to worry about.
Ive played this version with my nephews before. You can still be raunchy, but you’ve got to be a bit more creative with innuendo.
I’m not sure what hardware you’re running, but with my motherboard, to get 4x4x4x4 out of a slot requires sacrificing GPU bandwidth from x16 to x8
to get 4x NVMe drives out of a single PCIe slot without bifurcation you need a card that has it’s own RAID controller. These aren’t cheap (think ~$500) as they are specialty hardware, but it’s a hell of a lot cheaper than a whole professional workstation or server.
Sometimes people do the right thing for the wrong reasons.
Those systems are well designed (save for the part that they’re using password expiry)
There are a lot more shitty programmers out there than good ones
This usually means that your old password expired and the system didnt notify you. Basically, your account is inactive until you set a new password.
Yes. She’s female and was born female.
It’s illegal to be transgender in Algeria, and the only complaint came from a Russian boxing body with a history of making suspect claims in the past.
This makes perfect sense to me.
At the start of your career, you want to be important enough that people will care about your opinions, which means getting invited to meetings where things are discussed.
Stage 2, you’ve been there long enough and know how things work so you can offer input and help make decisions.
Stage 3 is the point at which people will come to you for input outside of meetings because that’s easier. You just want to do your job and generally don’t care about decisions anymore unless they bring sweeping changes.