It looks like that’s a Voyager instance. Voyager is open source, so Lemmy instances are free to host a Voyager instance as an alternate frontend. The main Voyager instance can support any Lemmy instance, but here it’s only for lemmy.world.
It looks like that’s a Voyager instance. Voyager is open source, so Lemmy instances are free to host a Voyager instance as an alternate frontend. The main Voyager instance can support any Lemmy instance, but here it’s only for lemmy.world.
Finally, we found Zuckerberg’s true form.
The app developer wanted a new and more serious name for the app and Voyager got the most support on a handful of community posts.
Just for reference, Voyager is the new name for the app that used to be called wefwef. As such, wefwef.app and vger.app are both pointing to the same thing.
He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit. I love when cats have personality quirks like this, makes them more interesting.
They were lying. They said they supported self-determination to throw out the existing laws, and with those laws gone they passed laws that enforced their morals, which was the ultimate end goal.
Indeed. So many problems are fixable too, to the point where users have patches for hundreds of the game bugs by just modifying attributes and using the game engines scripting. It’s honestly unexcusable, they can do better than this.
Recycling is good for the environment ceiling cat, don’t judge.
Microorganisms disintegrate the corpse into foul-smelling goop that is highly infectious and stains anything it touches. I’ll take the vulture over that.
They may be gross, but so is having rotten corpses sitting in the open. By getting rid of those corpses they are doing us a solid, so turkey vultures are cool in my book. The only animal that’s profoundly not cool is mosquitos, they’re a worthless species.
They let me use a Hotmail address for my first account, but I made it when I was a kid and when I tried to change my birthday they banned it. My second account was made using that sign in with Google feature.
Oh yeah, I haven’t visited Twitter since they added this. I have an account, I just can’t be bothered to log in.
Thanks God, very cool!
Damn, why’d you go and cause all of climate change? Not cool.
I’m not surprised at all, income data is really useful when doing targeted advertising. This kind of sale should be illegal of course, because our tax data should be sensitive in the same legal or medical data is, but I don’t think Meta’s going to see any consequences for this.
It’s because they claim that they don’t actually do any deliveries, they just maintain the tech platform that connects independent contractors to delivery jobs. They do this for legal reasons, because if you think about it all jobs technically just connect people to tasks that they complete.
I mean, you’re technically right but that also isn’t a helpful mentality. No one individual can single-handedly stop climate change by living in a more environmentally conscious way, we have to come together and implement systemic solutions in order for things to change.
Thanks humanity, I’m sure that this will cause no long term issues and we can just keep using the same economic and political systems while not worrying about it at all.
Congratulations to Nepal. Though this ruling isn’t perfect, it sets up a road to eventual full marriage equality, which is a really good thing. Hopefully other nations in the region soon follow, I’m happy to see news like this even as other nations backslide into more extreme conservatism.