Yeah the comments are pretty rational
This, OP - this is the right answer. Take all the opportunies you can. AOC recently said it best: you won’t regret anything you try. Some of it won’t work but if we all work now and keep trying things we can make a difference.
In the 1930s in Germany there was a group that basically tasked itself with the protection of democracy and they waited for a signal from leadership that never came. Because leadership was waiting for the one moment. Don’t wait, try things.
But what, you say, well we’re in uncharted territory now but: join activist groups, protest, make memes, call your congresspeople, if you’re in the gov’t somewhere - gum up the works, if you have money - give to liberty advocates, think of things I haven’t thought of here and do them, and bring friends.
The important thing is that we all do something, and keep doing something. They can only win when we let them.
The important thing is ‘are we still owning the libs’?
Besides, anyone paying attention has watched the checks and balances slowly collapsing over the last decade.
Huh: Baba Yaga is an enigmatic or ambiguous character from Slavic folklore who has two opposite roles. In some motifs she is described as a repulsive or ferocious-looking old woman who fries and eats children, while in others she is a nice old woman who helps out the hero. She is often associated with forest wildlife.
Surely there are protests in places other than DC too though
Just watch out for the guy camping there, Steve’s a good guy and is just temporarily down on his luck
Congress has been ceding power to the President for decades, this is actually not too far off where they were headed anyway
Has he actually been clear about what the tradeoff is here and why it’s worth it?
I hope you’re right about four years because that’s a return to normalcy that I can barely imagine right now
xx_Pelosi420_xx doesn’t settle for incremental upgrades
Yeah I was thinking about this the other day after watching some Twilight Zone or something. It’s interesting that a lot of our fantasy/sci-fi is about how pathetic humanity might be compared to alien beings, especially since in reality we actualy play the role of the highly superior beings.
My gramps died at 88 but he was a lifelong smoker and alcoholic and had emphysema for the last decades of his life so I believe that without addiction he’d probably have lived to 100.
And the crowd cheered and stopped for a Döner on the way home
Germany eased up on naturalizations laws in the last year actually, not sure about other countries in the EU but I’m sure they’re at least making plans. There’s a skilled labor shortage everywhere and they’d love to swipe some Americans.
Definitely wasn’t implying the USSR was treated sweetly, though I was under the impression sanctions toward them were all the result if their post war actions - i.e. not cooperating with the allies’ post war agreements. You may be more familiar with that than I am though.
So your argument is that because some of their members able to go on and succeed, that somehow means the regime and country weren’t subject to harsh punishments after all?
As I said in another thread: the Nazis absolutely paid the price - they were subjected to war crimes trials, had their regime disassembled, and their country carved up and occupied by the allied powers for decades. How is that not a heavy price?
Meanwhile the USSR was subjected to nothing of the sort - it was actually the opposite, they were allowed to keep and drain the resources of all their conquored territories (even those unrelated to the Nazi regime).
I don’t know anything about this ‘death note’. All I know is that people drown in their own bath tubs every day. Even rich and powerful people.