Levelheaded might be stretching it, but I appreciate the compliment. Thank you.
Oh no, you!
Levelheaded might be stretching it, but I appreciate the compliment. Thank you.
A certain group of canadian hicks suddenly going extremely British and/or barbershop when pronouncing “to be fair”
Then find a different community. Hell, make and mod your own. And if your viewpoints are as popular as you claim, people will flock to it. Best of luck.
How are you being censored on lemmy? What is it that you want to post so badly but can’t?
As a Linux user, I’ll be the first to concede that a lot of terms and names are… weird. It wouldn’t surprise me if half of those made up words you just posted as satire are actual software projects.
Anyway, as for the ones you didn’t understand, I can easily explain them for you (in windows-friendly terms) if you truly want to know. I just try to avoid unsolicited infodumping.
I know NVIDIA gets a lot of shit, but I’ve honestly never encountered a problem after using nvidia + Linux for well over a decade. Sure, it can be picky when it comes to kernel version, but deciding on a kernel that works well for you and the rest of the system is part of initial setup of a proper system anyway.
Getting something brand new from EA is painful on any platform
Wholeheartedly agree. He’s the one who finally caused me to start using patreon.
Source: I used to host a webserver at home. Guess why it’s in past tense.
You forgot the all time classic Dependency Resolution, and the psychological thriller “I fucked up my bootloader”.
Not far from how my GF (and the rest of her side of the family) prefers their steak: crust, and red only. Nothing but the outside should be cooked.
To paraphrase (and translate) her uncle: Light a candle in a field, and gently guide the cow past it at a safe distance.
Normal and antinormal - perpendicular to prograde and retrograde.
Source: well over 2000 hours in KSP
Good move. I have my home network and its home lab the same way I run my work networks and server clusters:
Well, I’m a mod, so if this were reddit, anyone not laughing at the joke would be banned.
Not always; Fuck you. I wish you the best.
I used (and still sometimes use) o_O for the same reaction
Much of license requirements are based on the fact that operating without proper knowledge can cause issues. You mentioned radio, which is a perfect example of this: emergency frequencies is one thing, but there are a lot of other frequencies that should be left alone. And learning which frequency ranges should and shouldn’t be used for certain activities is part of the process of obtaining a license.
Source: I have a GOC (unrestricted maritime radio certificate).
Real life example that I stumbled across as part of my job a few years ago.
He was fined a lot for operating without a license. If he was licensed (He didn’t need the full GOC… just the one day course would’ve been enough for his use case) he would’ve known that he could have gotten his own MMSI for 20$ equivalent.
Other licenses are often based on covering costs, reducing popularity, or both. Hunting licenses here are issued based on how much moose and deer is in the area. This also covers the cost of building infrastructure to prevent them from running across roads where they really shouldn’t, and repairing farmers’ fences that have been “traversed” by moose.
Fishing in the river that runs through my town is also licensed in a similar manner: The amount (and price) of licenses is based on how much salmon there is.
Laptops exclusively for decades here, so nope, that’s not it.