Yeah, translating between cases isn’t exactly a problem IME. Might be neat to have a case-aware grep though, so you can get kebab-case, snake_case, camelCase and PascalCase all done in one go.
Yeah, translating between cases isn’t exactly a problem IME. Might be neat to have a case-aware grep though, so you can get kebab-case, snake_case, camelCase and PascalCase all done in one go.
Yeah, I’m reminded of how Germanic languages used to have singular, dual and plural. If we’d still had dual, we’d probably also be talking about not abstracting until we actually have a plural.
Yeah, that’s the correctness focus. Some people dislike it as a straitjacket, some even take it as a personal insult because they see it as a skill issue. They, the good devs, shouldn’t be held back like that (spoiler: they aren’t as good as they think they are).
Personally I like that aspect of Rust, but I also write Python with a typechecker and a loong list of enabled lints in ruff
. I can get the happy path done without it, but having just the happy path often isn’t good enough.
Enforced correctness helps a lot with confidence for those of us who know we sometimes make bad assumptions or forget some nuance or detail. But it will be absolutely infuriating for people who can’t stand being told they made an error, even one of omission.
The serious answer here likely has several components:
, they’re likely to get … grumpy. Both they and the government may be correct here, even if they’re at odds—they have different scopes and concerns.Socks were invented to be used in sandals, it’s the one true way!
(Typed wearing big woolen socks in birkenstocks)
I mean, the fact that more than half-century-old COBOL continues to be maintained does speak to the fact that it is maintainable. That might also be part of what makes COBOL painful to the average developer: You’re not only dealing with a language that first appeared in 1959, designed for machines that were very different than modern computers; you’re also dealing with over a half century of legacy code, including all that means for Hyrum’s law.
Unfortunately maintainable and pleasant to work with are rather distinct concepts.
Eevee’s heteroglot entry for COBOL is interesting, coming from … practically anything else.
There’s also someone doing AOC in ABAP (basically SAP COBOL) who posts over in the AOC subreddit. I’ve looked at them and … mhm, I know some of these words!
There are also a bunch of proposed 2025H1 goals. Depending on how things pan out, 2025H1 might have us see not only Rust 2024 edition, but also the new trait solver ready for general use, and new borrowchecker on nightly.
It comes off as simulating enums with strings.
And yeah, even the string interpolation seems kind of excessive when it’s just appending
. Js is even kinda infamous for how willing it is to do that with+