Everybody worse than me is a scrub, anybody better than me is a tryhard.
“They’re not better than me, it’s always hackers when I drop rank I swear!”
And other jokes we tell ourselves
“Always those bullshit hackers that makes me lag”
They’re DDoSing the server, it’s the only explanation
Tbf I stopped playing BO:2 because of the full auto headseeking ballistic knives that went through walls in my Sticks and Stones matches.
*Inside windowless room alone*
*Ball knife to the head from nowhere*
“What the fuck?”
*Guy is outside halfway across the map*
*Checks board, he’s at 94k and 0d, everyone else at 0k and a bunch of deaths*
“Well, it was fun while it lasted.”
I played 3 games of cs last night, first game one tm was mad in the map voting screen because we voted for the wrong map and he threw the game because of it. Second game basically the same thing. Third map team didn’t talk at all but we did win… its fun sometimes I swear.
I eventually quit shooters after maintaining a competitive streak for several years.
The hardest thing to explain to the people who care about me is why that 10% of the good shit is worth 90% of all the dogshit. Eventually I realized “Shit, they’re right - why did I ever stop playing LoZ?”
I hate it especially when it happens on my offline single player game, that’s definitely why I’m getting my ass handed to me by these 4 heavily armed bandits.
then it comes down to a framerate drop and bullshit (and if you’re playing a non-you character, you can also blame them personally eg. “Link what the fuck are you doing?”)
I can never blame Henry, he has been though a lot with me controlling his life.
But where is “Damn, I just suck at this game?” You know how some people are utterly amazing at games? That’s not me. At all.
I used to be good at games.
And then I got older, and now I have a job, and a family, and don’t take Ritalin recreationally.
I can’t keep up with the teenagers who spend 6 hours after school everyday playing, and that’s okay. I just play games that cater more to my time.
Last time I played call of duty I just alt-F4d and refunded after some guy kept zooming around the map and mowing me down with some busted SMG. Those games just aren’t for me anymore.
I always make sure to blame my team mates
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I’ve tried using the discord on three different occasions, it never panned out. I’ve honestly had better luck just adding randos after having a really solid game and noticing they know how to play the role and character they choose.
I don’t vibe with this. It’s always my fucking goddamn broken controller that gets in my way.