I hate that neither the article nor any comment explains what section 230 actually is.
There are several links in the article. Otherwise that is what we have web search engines for.
Alright then, if you’re gonna be that unhelpful, I’m gonna be the change I want in the world.
No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.
From Wikipedia
Search engines are getting worse by the year, by the way. It’ll do us all well not to treat them like the providers of information we once thought of them, especially when the most used search engines are Google and Bing, which will happily fall in line with whatever Trump wants to fabricate as Truth, as we’ve now seen with the Gulf of Mexico.
And it’s just plain polite to provide pertinent information like that for context for such an article.
you have at your disposal all the tools you need to learn the answer to that question within a minute
so remember during the BLM movement there was a march that went through a gated community (IIRC), and this dumpy little dude and his wife came out to their front lawn with an AR-15 & little pew pew pistol-bith brandishing it like they’ve never ever picked them up before but regardless, there they were, armed and ready to shoot someone or something.
now imagine that scenario with MAGA going in to a liberal gated community…what do you think would happen?
My money is on the MAGAs shooting (or worse) the couple who were just … incredulous and indignant about the whole thing up until they died.
America is ugly now, it will get a whole lot worse when they start shooting each other while those with means escape the chaos.
now imagine that scenario with MAGA going in to a liberal gated community…what do you think would happen?
My guess? The couple wouldn’t bring any guns out to begin with, mostly because MAGA protesters would be white.
Liberal communities have plenty of racism. It just happens through ignorance & a lack of thinking instead of direct malice.
This isn’t ignorance or missing the point - they know exactly what they’re doing.
Calling my useless rep on this and dumb dumbass Durbin too