Turns out most people just want a functioning operating system and don’t need a 4d-chess mosaic of self-expression.
Hey, I changed my desktop background and color theme… but yes, customization for me is copying all my scripts to ~/bin and set a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal. I’m-old-Gandalf-meme around here
edit: yes, .vimrc as well
Bro i just use KDE. Sometimes i tweak it a bit, mostly when i should be doing something else. But i think the defaults are just perfect.
I just want the option to tweak it a bit. I like the fact that if i want to open Dolphin file manager with my buttplug i can probably find a way to do so.
I try to choose a distro that looks aesthetically pleasing out of the box so I don’t have to do any of that.
It was fun for a while. But now I just want a stable system.
When I have discovered Linux, I did all the ricing with Compiz, until I actually had to get productive …
I do change the background image every now and then.
Customizing my development setup is enough for me.
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Libadwaita looks pretty great 🤷
I set dark mode, choose a wallpaper, change a couple of keyboard shortcuts, and I’m done.
My UI could be prettier but it is not distractingly bad or ugly. Just changed my wallpaper and that’s probably the only visual customization I’ll do.
Gnome with Dash to Panel and ArcMenu
Good nuf
I find it’s just a lot of effort to go through visual customization for very little benefit, I have spent more time creating rootless podman images for certain apps, custom scripts, keybinds etc.
What I mean to say is there’s likely many people who customize functionality of their systems one way or another — without ever touching the visual side of things much beside maybe changing the font or turning dark mode on.
Not visually, at least. But especially on bare WMs, custom scripts and hotkeys are the way to go.
It’s amazing how much I agree with (almost) every response to this post (so far).
Pretty much. The most I did is install a rosepine theme for everything that had a rosepine theme.