How at this point are there still so many people who don’t understand what masks are for? It’s not primarily to protect yourself, it’s to bolster the whole herd’s defenses by reducing spread.
The mask isn’t for you, it’s for everyone else. It’s not that fucking hard to understand.
That’s simply not true. A good n95 or n99 mask will absolutely prevent you from catching it. I spent 2 weeks around people with COVID and I wore my mask, and I never caught anything.
The problem is that everybody wears fucking cloth masks when we’ve had n95 masks available for 2 years and people complain that masks don’t work. Yet doctors use them, construction workers use them and people in labs do all the time.
N95 masks will protect you, but the reason good and well-adjusted people want others to also wear them is to protect everyone else, especially immune-compromised people for whom a COVID infection could well be life-threatening.
And of course it’s also a numbers game. If even 10% fewer people get infected, across a large population that’s a quite significant number of people who aren’t clogging up hospitals and calling out sick from the work force.
How at this point are there still so many people who don’t understand what masks are for? It’s not primarily to protect yourself, it’s to bolster the whole herd’s defenses by reducing spread.
The mask isn’t for you, it’s for everyone else. It’s not that fucking hard to understand.
That’s simply not true. A good n95 or n99 mask will absolutely prevent you from catching it. I spent 2 weeks around people with COVID and I wore my mask, and I never caught anything.
The problem is that everybody wears fucking cloth masks when we’ve had n95 masks available for 2 years and people complain that masks don’t work. Yet doctors use them, construction workers use them and people in labs do all the time.
What you said and what I said are both true.
N95 masks will protect you, but the reason good and well-adjusted people want others to also wear them is to protect everyone else, especially immune-compromised people for whom a COVID infection could well be life-threatening.
And of course it’s also a numbers game. If even 10% fewer people get infected, across a large population that’s a quite significant number of people who aren’t clogging up hospitals and calling out sick from the work force.