my lover is a very high iq person (140) and he’s so awesome and yea has a lot of knowlegde about a lot of things, but recently i took an iq test and i got 85, it sucks, i told him that i hope that does not affect any aspect of our relationship!! and i’m not going to sugar code it but honestly i think that difference does cause a bit of trouble in our relationship because i am aware that my low iq may cause problems or it could make him feel annoyed/bothered!! what can i do to improve that?? i love him so much and i don’t want him to feel like i don’t understand him, sometiems i don’t a lot but, i always understand the general idea of the stuff he likes and i’m always seeking out more knowledge from him and the wider internet. thank you!!!

edit: i’ve always thought i was 100 or 150+ iq because i am interested in open source software, linux, foss, gnu, the fediverse, and reading, etc!! programming too

    5 days ago

    IQ is a stupid pattern recognition measurement made by a eugenicist and has been used to justify racism ever since. Don’t take it too seriously, it does not measure intelligence.

    Here is a video

    5 days ago

    It’s strange that you’re posting a 2nd time about IQ, especially after getting so much feedback the 1st time and responding to almost none of it. This feels like trolling

    • adrianhooves@lemmy.todayOP
      4 days ago

      a lot of people on lemmy have called me a troll… or that they suspect i’m a troll… i’m sorry but t’s sad but i understand it, and i’ve had this account for 2 months now so… no troll!!

    5 days ago

    IQ is stupid. My wife and I are polar opposites. She likes to just kind of relax while I’m obsessed with learning new things. We get along fine. She’s definitely not into linux.

      5 days ago

      Also, IQ tests are a learnable skill. You can become surprisingly better at them without actually increasing your intelligence, by becoming familiar with the exercises.

      A smart non-native English speaker would likely score even lower the first time because many old tests tie reasoning to English proficiency and western culture.

      Last but not least, being intelligent is different from being smart. I’ve seen intelligent people get left behind by regular people because they took unwise decisions and wasted their potential.

      Date away, worrying about this is like worrying about dating someone stronger or taller than you. It’s doesn’t matter that much in the grand scheme of things.

    4 days ago

    There is nothing wrong about an IQ difference.

    Where there are problems is when the higher is annoyed by the other needing explanation or the lower having a complex about needing the explanation.

    If you love it when you don’t get it and they can explain it in terms you understand and they love it when they can fulfill your curiosity, perfect.

    If you hate how they make you feel stupid or they are annoyed that you just don’t get it no matter how they try to explain it, that is a problem and either party can be at fault in both cases. There is the old saying that if you can’t explain it properly, you don’t understand it fully, I feel that applies.

    Talk with them, be honest and raw in your thoughts. Express your concerns about how you, as you are, may be less than they deserve. If they love you, they will try so damn hard to express themself so that you understand.

    You shouldn’t be asking the internet, ask them. Your insecurity or anxiety is not for us to cure, your partner is the only one that can beat that into your thick little skull. I joke, but really, there is no comfort or validation strangers on the internet can provide that beats your partner saying how much they love and appreciate you for you regardless of your flaws or shortcomings.

    5 days ago

    Hi! A former gifted child here. It’s not a big deal of you two find a way to communicate. We are all different even when not basing our qualities upon our intellect. Emotions aren’t logical and a relationship is possible just as much as it wouldn’t be possible with two equally smart people not being able to be real to one another. True love knows no bounds.

    5 days ago

    Just be yourself and let him decide if he loves you. Don’t decide for him.

    5 days ago

    The only thing IQ measures accurately is how well you answer questions on IQ tests. For anything else, it’s a vague approximation at best.

    Talk to your guy. Just knowing that you’re working to understand him will make him feel loved.

  • Tanis
    5 days ago

    There are so many different kinds of intelligence, and pattern recognition is but only one. I’m sure that you’re intelligent in ways he can never aspire to be. That’s the thing about humans: alone, we’re pretty useless, but together, we contribute our different skills to make societies of wonder and magnificence.

    5 days ago

    I got some crazy genius IQ score when I was a kid because I was very good at taking tests and read a lot, good with language. Just happened to be good at what they were testing.

    If you like to do programming, create things, are curious and interested in things, you ARE NOT STUPID. Not everyone’s intelligence runs to language or something tested by those tests. They are not really tests of potential, and the only reason my mom got us tested, the only reason I got two of my kids tested, was to get us into the better classes in school because they will only do it as an accommodation for a learning difference in.the public schools here. My other kids went to schools that promoted them based on their performance in class, which makes so much more sense.

    Now - my friend had a legit genius boyfriend and he was a raging asshole, I think because he had nobody who thought like him, he was alienated. But the problem was that he was an asshole, not that he was a genius. So as long as your partner is nice and you can talk to each other, there is no problem, don’t borrow trouble and don’t think of yourself as stupid.

  • John
    5 days ago

    I hate to admit it but seeing your post about IQ and then say, “I’m not going to sugar code it” had me laughing. People grow & change, and each person has their own talents. I am on the higher end of IQ but at the same time I struggle a lot with friendships. I have a hard time doing tasks that I see as menial like laundry, dishes, etc. I also struggle with a lot of artistic or creative tasks. My kids’ mom even though we’re not together anymore, she definitely would have been on the lower end. However, in many ways she’s managed to do a lot more than me. She’s able to make friends easier. She is able to conform to society and just gets things done that I struggle with. She also is very creative when it comes to projects & decorating. IQ is just a number, unless you’re under like 55. Often relationships are about finding people that balance you out too. I could never date someone that is a lot like me. I get on my own nerves.

    4 days ago

    I recently went through the WAIS IV test through a professional facility. The test was pattern recognition and recollection, mid level mental math problems, memory recall, and a handful of other thought provoking questions. There was nothing in the exam that actually tested any knowledge in specific areas, because IQ isn’t a measurement of a person’s intelligence.

    My wife and I are very likely on opposite ends of the IQ spectrum, and that is not a problem. I think the difference in the way we think gives us more well rounded life experiences. My wife is well studied, well organized, and intelligent, but she’s not strong in escape rooms, brain teasers, and trivia. I am far more analytical in how I go about things. I’ve got pretty decent recall and I am pretty good at breaking down problems to the core and breaking out solutions. We just live different personal lives with some things. I play music she walks the the dog. We have plenty of overlap in interests and hobbies that have nothing to do with IQ.

    Also, as other have mentioned, if you haven’t paid a professional to administer this test, then ignore anything or anyone telling what your IQ is. Depending on which professional test you take, the scale is different. With WAIS IV, it’s 40-160, but it’s measured against the population. Idk how other do it, but it’s different.

    Basically, IQ doesn’t matter. Just live your life.

    5 days ago

    Forget IQ for a moment, for all the good reasons that other people have given you.

    One of you will know more than the other or learn more easily than the other. That’s unavoidable. Even if the gap seems small, there might be key moments where the gap causes conflict. This is going to happen, whether it’s you or them who “is ahead”.

    The question is this: how do you handle it?

    If you treat each other with contempt, that’s a problem. That could be you assuming that they are always going to look down or you or them assuming that you’re not trying to “be better”. There are many ways for this kind do contempt to show itself in your relationship. Each of you has the responsibility to not think that way. Each of you has the responsibility for accepting and loving the other.

    If you can’t learn to do that, then your relationship is doomed to fail. If you can learn to do that, then you stand a chance.

    You both can choose.

    Some things about my partner used to irritate me and I learned to accept them for the things they’ve tried to change but just can’t. That acceptance is key.

    Good luck and peace.