Not much scarier than a health crisis in a country where healthcare costs have been known to ruin lives. Interesting, seeing as fear has been historically used to influence populations. Same vein as uncertain financial futures, they tend to terrify people.
Why must we be inundated with terrifying outcomes everywhere we turn? Friends and loved ones being snatched off the streets. Making it bureaucratically difficult for certain populations to gather documents needed to leave the country.
Where does it end? Civil war? War with NATO? What fate are we being shuffled towards? One that the history books, under the piercing light of hindsight, will no doubt refer to as, “Regrettable.” Or worse still, “Avoidable.”
Well done America, made yourself great again! Number one in measles!!!
In all seriousness, I hope only adults who have chosen not to be vaccinated suffer. Children don’t deserve to die for the stupidity of their parents nor do those who rely on herd immunity. It just boggles my mind that anyone can be convinced that the risk of catching deadly diseases is the preferred choice over vaccination.
I have this vision that, maybe ten or so years in the future, we’ll be reading articles about how the new class of freshmen will be the smallest since whenever, on account of all the dead kids that caught measles.
Wait until Polio is back…
The CDC site provides the missing answer to the obvious question:
As of March 6, 2025, a total of 222 measles cases were reported by 12 jurisdictions: Alaska, California, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York City, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington.
Vaccination Status
Unvaccinated or Unknown: 94%
One MMR dose: 4%
Two MMR doses: 2%Huh. That’s weird. Maybe they can post their Vitamin A status, too.
It’s just so uncertain if it’s actually safe and effective tho. We must look deeper! And as soon as rfk is done scraping that moose of the highway in Montana, you bet your ass he’s gonna do just that. Cod liver oil for all!!!
Thank goodness the head of the CDC isn’t an anti-vaxx brainwormed sociopath….
Wait, what? …no. Seriously? For fuck’s sake…
At least a chunk of his frontal lobe was’t eaten by a worm.
Wait, are you fucking kidding me?!?
If only there were something we could have done to prevent this…
It was inevitable that this world happen sooner or later, and I’m glad it’s started since RFK took over rather than before.
Thoughts and prayers
MAGA will soon be flying the banner mission accomplished!
Natural selection at work…
Does anyone know how many cases were in 2024? Can we get 222 cases as a percent increase?
In Canada we have more already than something ridiculous like the last decade combined.
And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men who had the mark of the beast and upon them that worshiped his image.
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