For those saying “just pirate it” some people like the option of physical media and have moral qualms about piracy. This is actually a good thing WB is doing. Just let people have their DVDs
Yeah, that is a very valid option! I don’t like it when people not into collecting do it, though. Because it makes zero logical sense for a digital copy to be tied to a physical thing, unless you like the sentimental value of said physical thing as well.
Fuck off, these people already own it at this point, so there is no such moral qualms. They paid for it. As for physical media, do you think only these companies can burn ISOs to DVD???
Yes they already own them and WB is replacing them, they’re not buying them again. Man, so hostile. And for some there are those moral qualms. I know some of them. I’m not one of them. Calm down
For those saying “just pirate it” some people like the option of physical media and have moral qualms about piracy. This is actually a good thing WB is doing. Just let people have their DVDs
Yeah, that is a very valid option! I don’t like it when people not into collecting do it, though. Because it makes zero logical sense for a digital copy to be tied to a physical thing, unless you like the sentimental value of said physical thing as well.
Fuck off, these people already own it at this point, so there is no such moral qualms. They paid for it. As for physical media, do you think only these companies can burn ISOs to DVD???
Yes they already own them and WB is replacing them, they’re not buying them again. Man, so hostile. And for some there are those moral qualms. I know some of them. I’m not one of them. Calm down