I’m just some American dude on the internet, but strategically speaking, turning on one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, a country that’s also one of our closest allies, doesn’t make a ton of sense to me. We lose their trust by betraying them, and also lose their cooperation on one of the things they do way better than us? Seems like it hurts everybody.
Were you asleep for the last 2 weeks they’ve been doing the same to Canada, Mexico and Europe? The question isn’t that it hurts everybody, the question is who’s next and what are you going to do about it?
I’ve been paying close attention. I think it’s important to focus on the individual cases as they happen, acknowledge who is harmed, and not just move on to the next thing. Trump wants us frenzied and confused so we can’t focus on anything, let alone what’s coming next.
As for what I do about it, I call my representatives about each individual issue separately, so their logs show constituent interest on a variety of issues. I attend protests and engage with my local government, I volunteer, organize, and donate, and I financially support independent media outlets. Thanks for asking.
I do everything I can, with the resources I have available to me. I vote, protest, organize, regularly call my reps, donate to independent media, and engage with all my friends and family on the issues whenever possible. What else, specifically, do you suggest?
I’m just some American dude on the internet, but strategically speaking, turning on one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, a country that’s also one of our closest allies, doesn’t make a ton of sense to me. We lose their trust by betraying them, and also lose their cooperation on one of the things they do way better than us? Seems like it hurts everybody.
But Putin likes it.
This is Putin tossing a quick thanks to Kim for the cannon fodder.
Were you asleep for the last 2 weeks they’ve been doing the same to Canada, Mexico and Europe? The question isn’t that it hurts everybody, the question is who’s next and what are you going to do about it?
I’ve been paying close attention. I think it’s important to focus on the individual cases as they happen, acknowledge who is harmed, and not just move on to the next thing. Trump wants us frenzied and confused so we can’t focus on anything, let alone what’s coming next.
As for what I do about it, I call my representatives about each individual issue separately, so their logs show constituent interest on a variety of issues. I attend protests and engage with my local government, I volunteer, organize, and donate, and I financially support independent media outlets. Thanks for asking.
Then perhaps do something about it.
Comments like this are dumb
You know you can gather and start protesting, go on the street. Show your dissatisfaction with the current status quo.
I do everything I can, with the resources I have available to me. I vote, protest, organize, regularly call my reps, donate to independent media, and engage with all my friends and family on the issues whenever possible. What else, specifically, do you suggest?
Perhaps do something about your own country?
I have been protesting on the streets when I was disagreeing with my own government. I did my part. You can overthrow those fascists.
Those are a lot of big words to try to explain to a redneck who just wants to hear ‘AMERICA #1!!!’.
You have to think in terms of pro wrestling, that’s the level of communication we’re dealing with here.