I’m trying to rationlize a false memory(?) Apparently a group of cats is actually a Clowder. Nowhere else on the internet calls it a Whisper?
I swear I was taught this the same day I learned ‘a school of fish’ and ‘a murder of crows.’ I remembered it all these years because I’d always think ‘whispuuurrrr’ in my head.
Help me out of my denial. 😭
The technical term for this is called a
collective noun
in English. I did some quick googling, which unfortunately returned a ton of AI slop that I won’t repost here. But it did return tons of answers.My thought is, your school probably did teach you it was called a Whisper, but who’s to say what’s the authority on collective nouns.
For some reason a collective of cats sounds like some sort of organized crime group that wears suits.
My cat doesn’t wear a suit, though probably partakes in organized crime. 🤔