Prior to this, I didn’t know cats could exhibit very obvious cold like symptoms. Whatever it was passed quickly and he was fine two days later despite how miserable he looked here.
My new kitten had a terrible cold when we first got him. I’ve never heard a cat sneeze so much. We even had to wipe his nose with tissues. Glad to hear your guy is doing better!
The sneezing and watery eyes were the key symptoms for my guy too (aside from looking unusually disheveled–the cat equivalent of bedhead). Hopefully your kitten got over the symptoms as quickly as mine did!
Looks like one of Worf’s childhood pets.
The issue what cats getting cold is that they lose their smell and suddenly they don’t eat the usual food because “it doesn’t smell like before”. And you have to help them remove theur mucus since they can’t do it like us. FFS
Could you offer some suggestions out guy keeps blowing snot bubbles.
Not much, we have one that tends to get colds and we try to clean her nose with a damp cloth, and put more delicious/smelly wet foot so the smell overpowers her mucus but sometimes it’s hard.