I find it’s a total crapshoot with my guys. Sometimes a comfy cardboard box becomes their new favorite place to sleep, sometimes the cat bed or macaron will be the primo spot they’re both clamoring for.
It’s a cat thing that our puny human brains can’t comprehend.
Unfortunately it’s not big enough for him and his BFF.
Check my post history. It’s an old picture of my cat.
Hahaha, nice one. You’re probably not wrong. I just choose to think it’s his concerned face and not his “WTF?!?” face.
Anyone who says Sea of Stars is in the same echelon as “classic” JRPGs clearly didn’t play all the way through SoS or has not played many classic JRPGs. SoS was an okay game for what it was but I honestly don’t remember much about it a couple of months after finishing it, whereas games like Lunar and Persona will always be cherished gaming memories for me.
No one will ever know as long as he doesn’t get up during the video conference call.
And so did his brother.
The cat invited the mice to hang out on his cat bed. What more do you expect??
They’re taking over! Jack seems to be a popular name for brown tabbies.
Why does that thumb have a face on it???
Resting cat face doesn’t necessarily look angry, though. My guys both have the “there’s not a thought in this head” variation of resting cat face–one largely fits that assessment but the other would be an evil genius if we’re assigning human traits.
That’s one stern looking kitty. I love Sencha’s colors!
Looks like a bullseye to me.
It’s a cheapo IKEA couch and I wanted to tighten some of the screws while I was being productive with the chores.
He has a cat tree but prefers being the center of attention.
That cat would be invisible if it was a void.
Thankfully he’s the exact opposite of scary, one of the most social cats I’ve ever met. He wants all the pets and attention from me and any visitors.
He does this a lot.
The sneezing and watery eyes were the key symptoms for my guy too (aside from looking unusually disheveled–the cat equivalent of bedhead). Hopefully your kitten got over the symptoms as quickly as mine did!
They definitely get catty over who gets other cat beds around the house but never the blue pillow which is Jack’s all the way.