People who work in the sciences who need help with their analyses and so forth
can request help here from other programmers. Your title should indicate the
kind of science you’re doing (“neuroscience”, “physics”, …). It should also
include languages or frameworks you use (“pytorch”, Rust). Also, please include
in the title one of “[S]”, “[M]”, “[L]” to indicate how much help you need, from
[S] meaning you would like a few questions answered right here in Lemmy, [M]
meaning “review my code and make fixes” and [L], where you may want to consider
offering co-authorship for significant amounts of work. In all cases, monetary
payment is not permitted. Explain your problem as clearly possible, with as much
information as you can. Remember the X-Y rule: If you are trying to do X, you
should explain whY you are trying to do it. Context is king and details are
If you’re a programmer who would like to help scientists, or you’re a scientist seeking a programmer’s expertise, join Programming Help for Scientists.