All I have to say is Vicious Mockery is back on the menu,
All I have to say is Vicious Mockery is back on the menu,
I don’t think we can be. We’d be paralyzed if we tried to be wholly serious.
Yup, my point is not that he isn’t an ally, it’s that being an ally isn’t inherently leftist.
If they weren’t in plain text how could we check to make sure it’s still there?
Oh either works.
I wouldn’t put it past them to experience numbers in the per second realm, especially as new data posts and everyone is rushing to grab it.
Oh thank you, I’ve been looking for that! For totally not Bardly DnD reasons…
Held back by his environment.
I laughed but really I know when the last good database and systems people left government to be replaced by contractors. It was Bush’s first term. Since then everything has been just putting a new front end on the back end government programmers created in the 1990’s.
Just so you know census data is very heavily queried. Everything from civil engineering to economics wants to look at that dataset every day.
Oh I just curled up into a fetal ball at the thought of that…
Login? Why would I do that? Aren’t the credentials in the code? I just hit the go button.
Ouch. Fucking ouch. We’re right here you know. Looking over your shoulder as you write on that magic tablet. No need to denigrate ghosts.
Bradbury needed to look closer then because Obama was working on NASA to get it built back up. Trump didn’t magically make rockets available in a couple years. That stuff takes a very long lead time to get right.
To be fair what he’s described is at most Progressive. The left rejects the current economic model as a start. Workers owning the means of production instead of an owner class.
This government doesn’t provide for people’s needs and is still powerful enough to take everything from us.
The real problem is if it’s not powerful enough to maintain a top position on violence then I’ll end up paying a second set of taxes to the local sheriff and his posse of Ranchers.
We need to ensure power is used responsibly. Not just get rid of it and hope nobody comes along to fill the vacuum. (Spoiler Alert, they will, and there won’t be voting)
Don’t let them bring you down to their level. There’s so many fun gender neutral insults.
I mean really, there’s just so many.
Yeah. It’s pretty ridiculous. The DNC decided it’s voters were wrong and got the election result that usually gets in a country with elections every 2 years specifically to ensure politicians are responsive to voters.
But nope, it’s the voter’s fault.
They kind of are though. There’s a reason the word Sophomore exists and is used to describe students multiple times in their education career.
(Historically it means wise fool or; conceited and overconfident of knowledge but poorly informed and immature)
Zero authority. But it’s a stress test. Can we get judges to go along? Juries? What can we get them to believe is a legal command? Can we get ICE into houses without warrants? Can we prosecute Mayors and Police officials for not providing data that is a request?
They’re going to push as far as people let them push. This is why the Federalist Society has been trying to pack the courts with conservative judges for decades. Defense Attorneys are going to have to step up and stop plea dealing so much stuff. But that’s a lot harder to do than to say because they’re criminally under resourced and over worked. (Not metaphorically in some states) In a system where the default is a plea deal to get out of jail there’s going to be a lot of convictions for things that aren’t actually crimes. The entire reliance on plea deals was predicated on good faith prosecutions.