So, until recently, I have been using

However, as some issues that I have opened have shown, there are a bunch of left wing and progressive sites on this list ( ). I no longer think that it is trustworthy. Especially after reading some of the repo owners replies. Intentionally added was which is a generic url for any telegram group. was on it at one point.

Oy Vey. It’s clear to me that the owner of this repo is not actually spending much time actually curating this list and instead it’s just a shotgun approach. Does anyone know of a good alternative?

    1 year ago

    sorry for the potentially dumb remark but… couldn’t you just avoid navigating to QAnon websites? I’ve never had an issue unintentionally navigating to one. It also seems like this repo owner is quite opinionated and trying to create a “no bad sites” filter list, which… honestly, you can control your own destiny with web browsing.

    if this is to protect kids on your network, I think it’s probably a good idea to have a broader conversation with them about evaluating sources, tell them about media bias checking sites, and just generally educating them on red flags to distrust. This will probably serve them much better than trying to block right wing sites, especially since plenty of normal websites have harmful right wing content. YouTube in particular disseminates extremely misleading and harmful material via ads (lots of anti-trans hate speech).

    In any case, I can’t find another repo - if you need the filter still, maybe you could fork the list yourself, and remove anything that you don’t find objectionable? (again, I feel like this is an example of why to not rely on a third party to block websites based off opinion/politics)