“In early April 2024, online play and other functionality that uses online communication will end for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U software,” Nintendo said on its Support website.

“This also includes online co-operative play, internet rankings, and data distribution.”

“if an event occurs that would make it difficult to continue online services for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U software, we may have to discontinue services earlier than planned.”

As for Pokémon Bank

Pokémon Bank will still retain its online functionality (presumably since it’s still used by players and uses online connectivity as its central mechanic).

Edit: Official Announcement with Q&A: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/63227/~/announcement-of-discontinuation-of-online-services-for-nintendo-3ds-and-wii-u

  • slimerancher@lemmy.worldOPM
    1 year ago

    Well, no matter how scaled down they make it, there is going to be a maintenance cost. They would have to keep the tech stack updated and keep up with latest security practices, otherwise it could be a security issue.

    Not saying they can’t afford to do it, just sharing another perspective.