The sidewalks are really dangerous where I am, where they are super uneven, have “artistic” curves, and trees that are overhanging really low so like will hit my body.

I go max 15 MPH on my escooter and if I hear a ding ding I jump onto the sidewalk and go a bit slower until you guys pass, since I’m slower and can dismount easier it only makes sense for me to make room. I figure as long as I make room it “shouldn’t” be a problem.

But just wondering if there are any bike riders that are just like shaking their fist at escooter riders.


    1 year ago

    We just had law amended to take into account eScooters. This is the exact thing they decided was okay. Up to 25km/h on bike lane or bike track or 6km/h (walking speed) on pedestrian paths. So I don’t personally mind eScooters as long as they behave properly, signaling turns, paying attention and not dangerously overtaking. This also applies to cyclists and all the other users of these lanes.