I don’t claim to know much about this but I guess it pulled a No Man’s Sky and patched in everything that needed to be fixed or added. And it’s half off on steam right now so I’m considering pulling the trigger. Should I?

  • Anon2971@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I’ve been very curious about the state of Cyberpunk since it’s launch. I didn’t get super on the hype train as I’ve learned over the years you never know what a game is like until it’s out and you can play it for yourself.

    It’s been interesting to observe all the post-launch changes from a distance in No Man’s Sky fashion. I found it pretty hilarious to read CDPR went from multiplayer and multiple DLCs to one DLC 3 years later, but it does seem as if that DLC will include exhaustive gameplay system changes. That workrate is still hilariously low.

    I guess when you rush out a big budget project and pressure your staff massively to get it out on a deadline, they get burned out to they point want nothing to do with it once it’s out the door. That’s definitely the sense I get. It’s a shame considering how massively hyped it was in the lead-up only for it to be generally seen as a rushed disappointment, but I guess it’s a lesson for CDPR to learn for the future alongside other AAA developers.

    Anyway, Cyberpunk fans - how would you describe the state of the game at present? Outside of the performance issues, what is it in Cyberpunk’s marketing that was missing from the released game? What are it’s pros and cons? Have the gazillion patches “fixed” the missing expected features yet? Does it seem as if the DLC features are wrapping up the final missing features?