China’s foreign minister said Saturday that Israel has gone too far in responding to last week’s invasion by Hamas, China’s official news agency reported.
Speaking to Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Israel’s actions have extended beyond self-defense.
According to Xinhua, China has an interest in helping resolve the conflict and the underlying issues involving the Palestinian population.
At the “start” of this, I didn’t really have an opinion. But that’s mostly due to lack of knowledge and the complexity of the issue.
I was initially siding with Israel as they were hit first, but their response has made me rethink things.
I’m still really undecided and am unqualified to make an opinion anyway.
“As they were hit first.”
Whooboy. You have to go far, far, far back in history, buddy.
People were on TV news saying the Israelis are like Native Americans getting their land back 🤣🤣🤣
It’s OK not too have a side. Israel and Palestine have been going at it for so long and the history is so complex that there is literally blame on both sides.
The graphs here go to 2008 and the situation has been going on for decades before that
The fact that you consider yourself unqualified to make an opinion probably makes you more qualified to do so than 95% of the idiots out there whose opinions are already firmly established.
Do you feel the need to take a side
The only side I give a shit about are the civilians just trying to live their lives
The pressure is all over these comment sections. Not this one in particular.
Interesting thought, when you have countries sending aid to one side or the other, or protests pro one way or the other, makes you think you should have a side.
It’s really complicated. If you trace back why people did what they did, including motivations, you’ll end up centuries back. I stopped in the Russian revolutionary time period last time I tried.
Is it even safe to start from the Ottomans?
Goes even further than that I suspect, but I’m not sure. I would seriously not be surprised though if you could trace it to the Romans in Jerusalem.
The Romans created the diaspora in the first place. How relevant that is to the modern conflict is debatable. Zionists certainly use the ancient Jewish kingdoms as evidence of their legitimacy.
I think it does trace that far back then. The diaspora is likely a large contributing factor in why Jews were so often persecuted in Europe, which was what created the desire for a Jewish state in the first place. And I do think that is a fair desire and claim, but the way the British did it was completely wrong.
To generalize this out to other wars and conflicts, even regular old arguments, there are almost always pre-existing conditions and tensions leading up to the first major attack. Even things like WWI, where the catalyst was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. But there is quite obviously more to the atmosphere, national ambitions, etc. etc. that make it so that the separatists wanted to assassinate him, and make it so that Austria-Hungary wanted to invade Serbia and used this as an excuse. A war would have happened anyway, no matter who attacked first.
Iarael’s response is to destroy the terrorist organizario that is responsible for all of this misery.
And how does that justify bombing evacuation convoys?
Israel didn’t bomb evacuation convoys, from what I know at least, it’s fake news.
I read the phrase “fake news” and my stomach immediately turns upside down.
There are videos, so which part is fake news?
They even took the time to analyze shadow placement for time and location verification
Gaza civilians afraid to leave home after bombing of ‘safe routes’ - The Guardian
Here is proof, you can decide for yourself who did it
Arguments, not proof, also unstated ones - we only see drawn conclusions. Israel didn’t confirm or accept blame, but I won’t deny it could’ve been a mistake or a moment of confusion. But that would still not be “attacking evacuation convoys”, but an isolated case, especially since, it seems according to the article that the designation of safe roads happened after the strike - though the timing is also not exact.
Israel does not want to harm innocent civilians. If you don’t believe that, surely you agree that it has nothing to gain from that but bad influence.
They have lots of land to gain, they are already using this to attack people in the west bank
If Israel wanted land why did it agree to several 2 state solutions (which palastinians declined)? Why did it exit Gaza?
If they don’t then why do they keep making new settlements in the west bank?
Why did america leave Vietnam or Afghanistan?
Because the resistance isn’t worth it.
Same reason for Israel and gaza
History has proven time and time again that this is the worst possible way to do that. Israel is either stupid or is acting intentionally with another purpose.
I think this is unprecedented. Everything about this actually, not just Israel deciding to end Hamas… So I don’t know if history showed this before, I do know that previous attempts at pacifying Hamas - as opposed to ending it - did happen, and we definitely see now they achieved nothing…