Why is it that Americans refer to 24 hour time as military time? I understand that the military uses the 24hr format but I don’t understand why the general public would refer to it like that?
It makes it seem like it’s a foreign concept where as in a lot of countries it’s the norm.
I have owned multiple analog watches with a 24 hour face so it isn’t like they don’t exist they just are far from common place.
So 30 minutes is 12?
Yes, like this - https://www.aaawatchclub.com/images/1003b24pbd_1000.jpg
That’s a sexy watch.
There are watches that have an actual 24hr face as you describe the normal 6 position is 12 and 12 becomes 24. Which I think are fairly uncommon, I don’t recall ever seeing one in person.
More common to just see analog watches with dual time markings say a 24 under the 12.
An image search along the lines of “24hr watch face” will show some examples.
Yes they are pretty uncommon, all the ones I have owned were old Russian ones that could be pretty unreliable and watch makers never wanted to touch them in terms of repairing them, hence why I have had a few. I believe the ones I had were made by ‘Raketa’
As someone who really needs to visualize my day, I love phone and watch apps that use a 24h watch face. It’s very logical to display sunrise/sunset times and I even found an app that displays my calendar events as time slices in my clock pie.
Always wanted to pick up a cool analog 24h watch too.