Because for the most part we know we are going to be buying it before it goes on sale anyways and preordering it generally lets us preload it and gives you some extras (that generally are not worth anything in game but still cool to have). The big thing for me, especially with this game, is that preordering it gets me a Sept1 release which is right before the weekend and I can proload it with the leftover data to help prevent a datacap in September.
I would bet they are releasing on the Wednesday after Labor Day specifically so that the premium early-access date is right before most people with a salaried job are having a long weekend. Which is scummy of MS/Bethesda but I guess I’m the sucker cause I’m taking that whole week off and ofc I want to start playing right after I get off work on Friday. 🤷
If releasing broken games wasn’t profitable, then it wouldn’t happen. The vast majority of people don’t read reviews or keep up with scummy industry practices etc.
A cousin of mine bought sonic boom on release and was super happy with it. They never finished it or were aware of the controversy whatsoever.
Absolutely. Companies/publishers/etc. are rewarded for putting out the bare minimum because they can still get a “the most profitable game we’ve released”. At a certain point the “brand” essentially becomes a money printer.
Thats is pretty gross. Why is that the greater community continues to pre-order everything!
Because for the most part we know we are going to be buying it before it goes on sale anyways and preordering it generally lets us preload it and gives you some extras (that generally are not worth anything in game but still cool to have). The big thing for me, especially with this game, is that preordering it gets me a Sept1 release which is right before the weekend and I can proload it with the leftover data to help prevent a datacap in September.
I have not preordered it yet… but I will.
I would bet they are releasing on the Wednesday after Labor Day specifically so that the premium early-access date is right before most people with a salaried job are having a long weekend. Which is scummy of MS/Bethesda but I guess I’m the sucker cause I’m taking that whole week off and ofc I want to start playing right after I get off work on Friday. 🤷
If releasing broken games wasn’t profitable, then it wouldn’t happen. The vast majority of people don’t read reviews or keep up with scummy industry practices etc.
A cousin of mine bought sonic boom on release and was super happy with it. They never finished it or were aware of the controversy whatsoever.
Fair enough I guess. Still just… Frustrated.
Absolutely. Companies/publishers/etc. are rewarded for putting out the bare minimum because they can still get a “the most profitable game we’ve released”. At a certain point the “brand” essentially becomes a money printer.