I’ve tried this experiment in Blender by projecting a NASA earth texture onto a circular plane to see if I could even come up with something where the day/night solstice/equinox cycles make any kind of sense, couldn’t make it work.
I do think that if you really wanted to upset these folks, though, you’d insist that Australia is actually at the center of the earth.
I have never through of that…how is day an night supposed to work on a flat earth? Like Minecraft they just…rotate around? What about the underside of the earth? The other side of the coin…do people live there too? Can we visit them if we dig a hole?
I’ve tried this experiment in Blender by projecting a NASA earth texture onto a circular plane to see if I could even come up with something where the day/night solstice/equinox cycles make any kind of sense, couldn’t make it work.
I do think that if you really wanted to upset these folks, though, you’d insist that Australia is actually at the center of the earth.
I have never through of that…how is day an night supposed to work on a flat earth? Like Minecraft they just…rotate around? What about the underside of the earth? The other side of the coin…do people live there too? Can we visit them if we dig a hole?
The flatearthers are gonna hunt you, better not ask those questions
What do the pillars of the earth stand on?
4 elephants and a turtle.
What does the turtle stand on?
The elephants
What do the elephants stand on?