Happens way too often to me.

edit: I had no idea this was such a common issue!

  • vinnymac@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    This is common enough for me, that I feel the english language needs a good new word to describe it.

    I asked ChatGPT what word it would use to describe this experience, and here is what it came up with.

    Certainly! I propose the word “lexidaze” (pronounced lex-ih-daze) to describe the feeling you’ve described. Here’s the definition and usage example:

    Word: Lexidaze

    Part of Speech: Verb

    Definition: The act of reading a book while being completely absorbed in the words, but failing to comprehend or process their meaning, resulting in a disorienting feeling of confusion about the plot. Example: As I delved deeper into the novel, I became so engrossed in the sentences that I started to lexidaze, losing track of the storyline and finding myself perplexed by the events unfolding before me.

    I hope this newly created word captures the essence of the experience you were looking to describe! Let me know if there’s anything else I can assist you with.