Mine is vehicle building games like Stormworks or Scrap Mechanic. It’s so much fun to shoot at your friends with your latest nuclear drone while hiding in your bunker with a better defence system than Area 51 !
I’m very curious about your fav niche game genre !
(I’m sorry for my bad English ^^')
I love the Mystery Dungeon games. Most people know about the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon ones, but there are also Etrian Mystery Dungeon I & II, Shiren the Wanderer titles, Taloon’s Great Adventure, Chocobo Mystery Dungeon, and more!
I like them because they are pretty casual games you can pick up and put down easily, but if you want to get deeper into the strategy, you can. We didn’t get these games in the West until the Nintendo DS era, but they started with the SNES in Japan.
Isometric Theme Park simulators. I’m in love with Parkitect and have fond memories playing Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 as a kid.
OpenRCT is the GOAT of this genre IMHO
I will check it out! Known about it for a long time but I’ve never really taken a look.
chess roguelikes games are great. Breathe new life into a very comfy ruleset:). Always interesting to see how the design space of chess is expanded
couple of examples https://store.steampowered.com/app/1972440/Shotgun_King_The_Final_Checkmate/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2065000/Chess_Survivors/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2096510/The_Ouroboros_King/
First person tile based dungeon crawlers! Like SMT I and II, or the Labyrinth of Refrain games! The less map and info, the better, so I can get full immersion in exploring and getting lost in a dungeon for days!
“Open world” puzzle games. What I mean by that is that you can go and solve any puzzle you like in the world. Nothing is linear. If a puzzle stumps you or has you frustrated, you can always leave and go try another one. The last good one I played was The Talos Principle and I’m heavily awaiting the sequel which is supposed to come out this year. Other good ones are the Myst series (the first game is sort of linear in some parts, but the rest are pretty open), Quern, The Witness, The Outer Wilds, and a few others I can’t remember right now.
I really like Kerbal Space Program.
And I also really like Factorio for all my logistics/factory builder needs.
I’m not sure if it counts as niche, but I like stealth games. Thiefs, Dishonored, Mark of the Ninja.
Discovering secrets unseen, clearing whole levels and running like hell to the next dark corner when I get cocky :D
Have you played Acid Spy ? If not, you can pick it up for ~6$ in during sales on steam. Despite being very short it’s well worth it !
Looks interesting, thanks :)