“The art and design communities, in particular, are feeling the pinch from Adobe Suite going towards a rental model, and now the artist and perennial thorn in the side of anyone who seeks to own a colour, [Stuart Semple] is doing something about it. He’s launching a competing suite called provocatively, Abode, which will follow an affordable paid-for licence model.”


The Abode project seems overly optimistic in terms of scope, cost and timing to me but then I’ve never been involved in software development. Still, alternatives to the big names are always nice.

  • gamer@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    People use Adobe because it’s what they know and they don’t want to learn something else. There are already alternatives to Adobe products, probably better than whatever these people will be able to make with that budget.

    Also, that “provocative” name is only going to provoke Adobe’s lawyers to send and cease-and-desist lol