I couldn’t figure out how to message the mods (or even individual users) on my app. A space to discuss the survey and your post would be nice.

Edit: Got mod approval to keep this up

  • DrQuint@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I would like to concur, namely because we know the exact context and exact intent of the actual, exact place the popularization of the term stemmed from: Yatzhee from Zero Punctuation. And the author did not in any way whatsoever expected it to be taken seriously, or with any derogatory connotation for those within or without (in thay the introductory joke was highlighting a better positioning of PC on a matter while also lampshading the PC’s community fragile ego).

    To change the name would be to say none of the context matters. It would be to willfully ignore the way it was made and the way it was used. No, that doesn’t matter, “only that other meaning, and interpretation matters”.

    And you know what.

    No it doesn’t.

    Nazis don’t matter. Nazis should have zero cultural influence. Zero tokenism.

    Let’s treat them the way they deserve to be treated. They don’t matter, and they have no say and no power. Fuck off, we’re keeping it. It’s our now. You get NOTHING.

    • DarraignTheSane@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Exactly. To add, what do people expect that it would be “changed” to? If you drop “master” and “race”, all you have left is “PC”… and there are already enough PC gaming communities across the various Lemmy instances.

      In “changing” it, the community would simply no longer exist. Those who are of the opinion that the community should no longer exist should probably just move along.