It is against US law to provide weapons to forces who block United States humanitarian assistance. And that is exactly what is happening right now

    6 months ago

    I know a man, a decent man, who said that “preventing genocide is an achievable goal, a goal that requires a level of government organization and engagement that matches in its intensity the brutality and efficiency required to carry out mass killing. Too often, these efforts have come too late, after the best and least costly opportunities to prevent them have been missed.”

    The man that said that was then Vice-President and now President Joseph Biden. And he was right

    Throwing his own words straight back into his ancient hypocritical face…

    I thought I could still hold my nose when he went around Congress to fund the genocide, but then he went around Congress to stop aid for Palestinians and pushed for it to be included in the fucking budget.

    Everytime Americans plead for help, Biden says he can’t do shit. But when Biden wants something (like dead brown children) suddenly the president can get shit done on his own.

    Fuck Biden, he was never going to win my state anyways, but still, fuck Biden for ending a 20 year streak of voting D for president.

    I just can’t support him especially knowing that even if I did, he ain’t winning my state. I’d be sacrificing an incredibly low moral bar to do it for literally zero payoff.