But, he added, Sensor Tower data suggests a significant pullback in user engagement since Threads’ launch: On Tuesday and Wednesday, the platform’s number of daily active users were down about 20% from Saturday, and the time spent for user was down 50%, from 20 minutes to 10 minutes.
strange. my “engagement” on lemmy is… “all day”. strange indeed.
I tried it, because I still have a Facebook account I barely used.
I got like two screens of people I subscribed to and after they are out of new posts the platform tries to push a bunch of popular influencers and brands that I couldn’t care less about. They couldn’t get me to close it faster if they tried.
strange. my “engagement” on lemmy is… “all day”. strange indeed.
I tried it, because I still have a Facebook account I barely used.
I got like two screens of people I subscribed to and after they are out of new posts the platform tries to push a bunch of popular influencers and brands that I couldn’t care less about. They couldn’t get me to close it faster if they tried.