• nekat_emanresu@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    We have a current blockade, sanctions and war against Yemen to prevent their oil sales, which are at Saudi Arabian levels of “easy to extract and mass sell”. The US war fleet that was parked out there(don’t know if it still is) was preventing them physically from exporting oil to buy food. This is one small example of the active genocides the US is leading or has led. They had involvement in the Indonesian genocide, Cambodian genocide and I really cant be bothered citing more.

    Sanctions in general impoverish and kill many. They are a type of light economic mass murder.

    Just the covid deaths from conservative leadership adds to the death toll of capitalism under the American empire.

    FYI I’m against China and Russia too, but I realise I’m being deceived heavily and can only hold superficial views.

    Edit: I didn’t address it. I have more respect to the victims of Nazis than you can comprehend. I don’t think what Nazis did is little, I think what we actively do and did, is MUCH WORSE.