I dunno, I’m one of those people who never stops using a drive until it breaks, and they never really break anymore. Oldest in my current PC is probably 20 year old HDD.
So yeah, these probably are fine and will still last a long time. But for like $20 more you don’t have to worry about losing the data on it.
Apparently prices just haven’t changed in half a decade or longer? I knew prices went up for COVID, assumed they went back down at some point.
That really should be in the title…
I dunno, I’m one of those people who never stops using a drive until it breaks, and they never really break anymore. Oldest in my current PC is probably 20 year old HDD.
So yeah, these probably are fine and will still last a long time.
But for like $20 more you don’t have to worry about losing the data on it.Edit:
Apparently prices just haven’t changed in half a decade or longer? I knew prices went up for COVID, assumed they went back down at some point.
Where do you get a 12 tb drive for $100?
Yeah, that’s crazy.
I guess all those $100 deals were used too.
So I guess at least used prices went down?
But I remember years ago a shuckable 12tb for like $120-140 on sale wasnt unusual on buildapcsales.
A new 12 TB drive is literally 300€ now.
I don’t think it was EVER 100€ for a 12TB, certainly not helium filled. Prices during covid went up, but not even near 3x for hard dives.