Didn’t want to make title too long, sorry. By load back I mean read from clipboard or from a file or have an input box to paste from clipboard a lost of URLs and open each in a tab.
On my phone (it’s a MIUI device) firefox sometimes acts weird, I can see URL in a tab but page looks empty. I can copy the URL manually, close the tab, open a new one, but this can be annoying if I have many tabs and this also changes the tab order.
Also, no, I can’t just close firefox and open it again, as I mostly use firefox in private mode.
I just want to copy all open URLs, restart firefox, and open all my tabs in private mode again in the same order by pasting URLs back.
Also, android aften kills my firefox when it’s in the backgroind without any warning.
Last time I searched, I couldn’t find any such addons, but it’s possible that I used wrong keywords.
just… bookmark folder? menu -> bookmarks -> “…” on the bookmark folder you want -> open all in private tabs?
Is there an option to save all open tabs into a bookmark folder, turn open back that bookmark folder into tabs?
After that I’ll definitely will delete that folder. Wish there was a way to keep that folder unsynced as well.
I’ll definitely try this, thanks!
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
Can’t help with your question, sorry.
When that happens to me in firefox, changing to another tab and back usually fixes it.
You can turn off miui optimizations to stop it from immediately killing every app you leave in the background.
(and not to digress but you shouldn’t use a stock miui rom if you care about privacy)
If only there was a way to disable MIUI optimization or change ROM witgout losing all your app data in 2024…
You can save tabs to a collection and it has the option to open all it’s tabs
I’m sorry, where’s the button to save all private tabs to collection?
You can multi-select regular tabs to add them to a collection, but not private ones. And even if you did add each private tabs to a collection one at a time, the “open tabs” option only opens them as regular tabs, not private ones.
Instead of private tabs, have you considered
- using the “delete browsing data on quit” option in Firefox, or
- downloading a second browser like Mull with that option enabled for your “private tabs” instead of Firefox?
I do have multiple browsers, for multiple purposes.
Maybe one more won’t hurt.
Too bad Mozilla treats private tabs differently from regular tabs though.
Use URLList. Essential when doing research
On Android this only copies the URL of current tab, not of all tabs.
Tabstash would’ve been my initial suggestion, but it doesn’t seem to be available for mobile. Onetab was what I ended up using when I wanted to do something similar to what you’re wanting to do.
Can’t find tabstash.
Looks like onetab doesn’t do anything on android.
Yeah, I knew about the unavailability of Tabstash, which is unfortunate. It would be the best option. However, I learned something about Onetab today - I thought it was strange that you couldn’t get it to work, when I used it just the other day on Android. But if you look at the FAQs in the Details section (see attached screenshot), it only can save the ‘active tabs’ as dictated by Firefox Mobile, so in that sense it’s not ideal.
Yeah, seen that too.
I think the best option is to use OneTab’s export feature and clean it up with some regex
(got it from StackOverflow but can’t find the thread anymore) to remove all the crap at the end. At least that’s what I’ve been doing because I haven’t found a better solution yet.Does OneTab work for you on mobile FF?
I kinda assumed it would work because I saw in the Firefox addon store that it’s available. I’m gonna have try it out later.