Been homeless over 6 years. My social services agency, high turnover. Being female , almost all my case managers have been female, standard practice.

Out of 17 case managers, only 2 have been male. Female cms: detailed, logical, responsive, solution oriented, clear effective communication. Male cms, the opposite.

I try to communicate clearly, effectively, which is easy cuz autism, and the 2 male cms, i get constant 2nd guessing, passive-aggressive defensiveness. Get impression they’re automatically assuming I don’t think clearly, don’t know what I’m saying. It’s weird, and I can’t figure out why.

I know not all men are the same. I’m not like all women. Have I just been unlucky with these 2 cms, or is there a gender aspect to this I’m not understanding? I’d like to learn.

    5 months ago

    Please be aware that Lemmy is, more often than not, extremely hostile and/or defensive towards female-centric issues or experiences, regardless of validity.

    Edit: These downvotes tell me that folks are denying that this is an issue. Maybe y’all should ask / listen to women about what their experience has been discussing female-centric topics on Lemmy.