Telegram's founder Pavel Durov says his company only employs around 30 engineers. Security experts say that raises serious questions about the company's cybersecurity.
To be fair: someone somewhere has to make algorithms that we use. I honestly don’t know if Telegram’s encryption is strong or how strong based on their white paper, but I’m interested in an unbiased evaluation.
Oh God why would you do this.
To be fair: someone somewhere has to make algorithms that we use. I honestly don’t know if Telegram’s encryption is strong or how strong based on their white paper, but I’m interested in an unbiased evaluation.
Developers should not design encryption algorithms. They should instead implement algorithms that were designed by a mathematician.
agree with the notion that any homebrew business is questionable but he is a mathematician
Interesting! Did not know that. It’s possible he may be qualified, so I’m still skeptical of closed crypto systems.