Basically you’re a radio host in a small town and there is a killer on the lose. The sheriff is dead and phone extensions won’t work so one of the only officers this town has has to go out of town to get help, so now all the 911 calls are being redirected to you and you need to give people advice and guide them to avoid the killer. You need to look around the radio station building for clues and information on how to help the callers escape the killer. It even involves mystery solving skills in a few parts. It also takes place in 1987 and it definitely has the 80s aesthetic and theme throughout.

It’s about 6 hours long and somewhat pricey (it’s on sale until July 31st for $20 USD as opposed to its normal $25 price tag), but I definitely don’t regret spending that money because it was so fun and engaging the entire time. One of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had.

    1 year ago

    Thanks for the recommendation. Seems very much something I would like. Definitely gonna wishlist this.

    1 year ago

    Bought it, tried it out and am already hooked. Thanks for the recommendation!

    My impression after some two hours of playing:

    As a sometimes lazy/impatient puzzle solver I appreciate the painless save/load feature. For a ‘real’ adventure or horror game there are too many guidelines to keep you on the right path - I’d call it more of an interactive thriller. Still the scary atmosphere and black humour are enough to draw you in and make for an enjoyable experience. Plus the various hints at the killer’s identity and story keep you guessing. I probably should have gone to bed two hours ago but can’t quit yet.