thinks premium feeds could also serve other use cases, like supporting helpful bots or generating funds to help maintain a community’s Mastodon server, for instance.
You know what this world needs? More subscriptions! - These assholes.
Just what the fediverse needs, micro-transactions!.
Any bets this will only work with Mastodon because it was built and designed only against Mastodon?
I wouldn’t even be surprised if other Fediverse server apps could simply circumvent if assumes that everything else out there works like Mastodon, too.
I think I could get behind an instance subscription, granted it wasn’t an obscene amount. I wonder what the upkeep on could be.
Some types of content might take days to research or work on and might not have the audience to allow monetization by ads . mitra exists for those types of things and is open source unlike this project (it seems).
Regardless of how you feel about subscriptions, it’s a step in making the fediverse a more viable option for that that create content for a living.