Trump was just indicted a third time. This time, a Grand Jury charged him and six co-conspirators with four counts: conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of an official proceeding, and conspiracy against the right to vote.

  • UllallullooOPMA
    1 year ago

    This thoroughly details how for months everyone explained to Trump how he was wrong, and then he would totally ignore them and lie through his teeth to try to convince officials to ignore the election results anyway. These Republican officials would then rebuff Trump and say that ignoring the vote because you don’t like the results is really unconstitutional, Trump would publicly insult them and get other people to harass them for caring about the Constitution, and he would move onto another target to try to convince.

    His own staffers would talk amongst themselves that they really had no idea what to do, because they knew he was 100% lying and they couldn’t even think of any way to defend him.

    Co-conspirator 1 is very obviously Rudy Giuliani.
    Co-conspirator 4 is Jeffrey Clark.

    CNN is reporting #2 is John Eastman, #3 Sidney Powell, & #5 Kenneth Chesebro. People don’t seem to know who #6 is.

    Trump was planning on replacing AG Rosen with Clark to have the DOJ repeat his lies about the election. Clark said if people were upset with the coup, Trump would invoke the insurrection act, suspending posse comitatus and sending the military into cities to suppress civilian unrest. Trump later only changed his mind when he was told it would result in mass resignations at both the DOJ and the White House Counsel.