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The US is actually going to implement a nationwide abortion ban and the measures for how it’s going to be handled are already in the works. This bill, which I link to here: , seems ok at first glance and only seems to want to implement nationwide healthcare centers for women. But when you actually look at what these Pro Women’s Healthcare Centers are and mean to offer, it becomes really clear what’s going on.
On the first page of the PDF or booklet that appear when you search for the healthcare centers it is clear that they are supported by pro-life organisations and hold extreme pro-life values. And when you read the (very short) booklet it states their values and services that are to be provided. Among them is a requirement for “Abortion Pill Reversal” and encouragement for “Sterilization Reversal”. The last page clearly states their values, where among them it states that:
“Abortion is not women’s healthcare, because of the damage it causes to women’s physical and emotional health and the destruction of unborn life, many of whom are females. Abortion is usually something women turn to when they feel they do not have another choice. This is a tragedy and the opposite of choice and empowerment.”
And it goes on to list similiar values. The bill to implement these healthcare centers states that:
"That the House of Representatives—
(1) expresses its support for women nationwide to have access to comprehensive, convenient, compassionate, life-affirming, high-quality health care; and
(2) recognizes the high standards established by Pro Women’s Healthcare Centers consortium as standards worth implementing nationwide."
This means that the values that these Pro Women’s Healthcare Centers have are to be set as standards nationwide.
A link to the PDF/booklet about the Pro Women’s Healthcare Centers (PWHC):
Ok states rights crowd, fuck around and find out with my states constitutional protection of abortion.
I’m really curious how California will handle that one. I would expect Newsom to fall in line as part of the protected class, but he is a politician and cares about reelection.
If trump tries to fuck around with Canada my state will secede more than likely. Canada will retaliate by shutting off our electric which would be a death sentence in the winter.
That and the abortion rights and the fact we were previously an independent republic, it’s looking like we’re going back to being independent.
Wait, why would Canada retaliate against y’all for seceding?
If trump starts a trade war or physical war or even goes after Greenland I foresee Canada shutting off our electric (hydro Quebec) in retaliation. It would force our secession to save ourselves. Vermont routinely goes well below 0F in the winter for weeks on end, and hydro Quebec is where we get I believe a third of our energy. If not a third a very significant amount that we can’t go without.
I can also see them shutting off oil and gas pipelines to other states but that doesn’t affect vermont. But those states might also secede over it. Fuck with cold states energy infrastructure in winter and we won’t have a choice.
Also our constitution protects abortion, and I can see that also being a factor in us going back to being an independent republic or even joining Canada if they’ll take us. We have a substantial French Canadian population here.
I don’t think it would be like the civil war, most Americans couldn’t point to vermont on a map and were not economically important.
Ah gotcha, that makes sense now.
I lived in Vermont for year, and yeah those winters are no joke. But I could also see y’all telling the fed to go fuck themselves.
I know I’m probably getting the political landscape of vermont and new hampshire mixed up, but isn’t vermont pretty red? Similar to the way new york is pretty red once you get out of the big city? That’s probably going to be a nightmare if anything happened.
It’s pretty complicated. Our “red” looks nothing like the rest of Americas red. We’re not religious, and those who are keep it to themselves and have a live and let live philosophy. Evangelicalism is deeply unpopular here.
We’re a purple state locally, bright blue nationally. We voted like 80+% for Bernie and 70+% for Republican Phil Scott as governor.
I’d say we’re mostly small L libertarians - pro guns, pro LGBTQ, pro women’s rights, pro weed, strong social safety net for a small state. You also have la la land liberals in Burlington and montpelier who are completely out of touch with the rest of the state. I live in a “red” part of the state and have never felt threatened in the decade I’ve been here, most people are chill.
We’re also overwhelmed by rich asshole second+ homeowners from NYC and Boston but luckily they don’t vote in our elections but they greatly influence things despite that. And our legislature is comprised mostly by landlords which… is great for our housing crisis. /s
I grew up in the NYC metro area where I was routinely assaulted for being queer in the 90s. Hence my take no prisoners attitude when it comes to liberals protecting capital and aligning with fascists. Their support for my kind was never genuine and always performative rainbow capitalism.
state laws, including their constitutions, mean zip when federal law or the nation’s constitution conflicts and takes precedence.
Not really true. States can’t infringe on rights granted by the constitution but they can add rights. See: infingement of 2A rights by states and legalized cannabis at the state level, respectively. Look at federal drinking age laws. States had lower ages until the feds pressured States by witholding interstate road funding…
I thought that if something is federally illegal you can still be arrested for it by the federal government. Like a DEA agent could arrest people in CO for having weed-- it just means that state law enforcement won’t arrest you.
So theoretically they could outlaw abortion and create a federal bureau of agents to enforce it.
Guess we’re seceding.
In this case there’s a Supreme Court decision that this issue should be left up to the states. Sure key they won’t reverse themselves so soon, right?
As if you’ll do anything. You’ll roll over like the rest of em.
As opposed to you?
Most heavily armed state in the country. Fuck around find out.
We were an independent republic before and we’ll become one again if we have to. Fuck the United States.
So what? Your freedoms have been steadily slipping away for decades. Your opportunity to stand up and DO something is quickly coming to an end. You’ve had plenty of time and opportunity but it’s just crickets.
No. When push comes to shove you’ll sit there quietly.
It might feel good to sit here and cosplay telling yourself you’re a big bad ass that will save us all. Yet you sit there instead.
I initially worked with the democrats believing they were genuine. They’re frauds. They’re a waste of time. All we have left is union organizing and violence.
All talk no game
What are you trying to accomplish by baselessly attacking people you don’t know over things you know nothing about? Even if you’re right, it doesn’t make you look any better. You just sound like an edgy teenager.
You don’t know me. You don’t think I’m organizing resistance on the ground? Fuck off. Fucking fed.
Another lemmy world lib for the block list.